As most of you are reading this, I’m celebrating my birthday, Sunday July 8, 2018. I’ll be 63. Odd to think of myself as this age. This photo of me as a toddler shows I’ve always had my very curly hair!
Life Is So Very Precious
Life is so very precious. The other day I had lunch with a friend I met a couple years ago. She reminded me with her story, of just how precious it is. Shirley was married to the love of her
Gratitude During This Time Of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time we all think consciously about what we have gratitude for. As those of you know who have been reading my blogs for awhile, I speak of appreciation/gratitude regularly. I truly know when you live each day
Choose To Go On Your Rampage Of Appreciation
Choose to go on your rampage of appreciation as often as you can! What I know for sure is, appreciation/gratitude, love and joy produce the highest form of energy vibration. You may not think much about energy and vibrations,
Cherish Those You Love
Do you cherish those you love more as you’re getting older? I’m finding as I go along in my years, I cherish those I love more and more. I just flew home yesterday after spending a week with my
Moments That Fill Your Heart
What are some moments that fill your heart? I’m writing about this today since I spent the day with my son, his wife and my two grandchildren this past Wednesday while my son is on spring break from teaching.