What is going on a rampage of appreciation like? First, appreciation/gratitude, love and joy produce the highest form of energy vibration. And when you feel appreciation in advance, it helps bring what you want to you, in that moment.
The Art Of Allowing, How You Feel
The art of allowing, how you feel, is when you’re not resisting. It’s about going with the flow and being open to receive. As an example, WuWei is a Chinese word meaning, going with the flow; letting go; allowing.
Honoring My Mom Mary, 3 Years After She Went To Heaven
Honoring my mom, Mary, 3 years after she went to heaven. First of all, my sadness is much less on a regular day to day basis, 3 years later. I wanted to share parts of the article I wrote
The Law Of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is the one Universal Law most people have heard about. After the Secret book and movie came out, the awareness of this Law, was raised. It’s one of my 10 favorite Laws I have shared
Allow Your Feelings
Allow your feelings to come. Therefore, as the meme says above, “our feelings are just visitors, let them come and go.” Sometimes easier said than done, right? “Experiencing your emotions and being vulnerable with the people that you
What Is The Universal Law Of Polarity?
The Law of Polarity, is a Universal Law. The Universal Law Of Polarity is a Law I haven’t talked about for awhile. This Law states that everything has an opposite: hot/cold, up/down, dark/light, good/bad. Hence, you need to