My last year of my 60’s, is upon me this week.
First, so much about life and how you look at it, is your mindset.
Since I don’t feel like I’m almost 69, it really is about my thoughts and how I look at myself.
July 8th is my birthday. I’ve always loved having a summer birthday, since summer is my favorite season.
However, as I give thoughts to my age, it’s almost not real that this is my last year in my 60’s!
In so many ways, as I look at my life, it’s almost like many chapters in a book.
For instance, my youth was light-hearted and fun, as I’ve shared in other articles.
Playing outside with friends and siblings, going to church summer camp for a week or so, loving and spending time with my family and so much about life, comprised my childhood.
Then after high school, I went to nurse’s training and secured a position at a local hospital.
I worked med-surg and then our floor became the oncology floor.
Because I knew I wanted to help people, nursing was the best choice for me.
I took it very seriously, and enjoyed doing my best to take care of my patients.
Also, during that time of my life, I went to my first personal growth class, where I learned meditation and other parts of my spiritual self.
In the last year of taking the personal growth classes, I met my kids dad.
Hence, all of these choices, led me to another big part of my life’s journey.
I moved away from my family in Ohio and started a new family in Muncie, Indiana, where my then husband was born.
So many friendships were created during that time frame.
And, because I value friendship, similar to my childhood friendships, I remain friends with all of them still today.
As a result of my then husbands’ addiction to drugs, my last year in Muncie, Indiana, was extremely difficult.
Our kids were 7 and 9 years old that year, and their dad moved to Minnesota for 9 months of drug rehab.
However, our lives took another turn at this point.
We moved to St. Paul, Minnesota, to be near his support system, in August 1992.
Looking back on that time, we all had to go through many changes.
Consequently, I immersed myself into Al-Anon, a support group for family and friends of alcoholics and addicts.
It was there that I discovered my leadership abilities.
I worked in their office once each week, became the Institution Chair, taking messages of hope to other family members in need, for 2 years.
Furthermore, I became the St. Paul Al-Anon Chair for 3 years, giving speeches and chairing monthly meetings.
Because I was so involved with this amazing support group, during the last year after my husband left me for a much younger woman, I was able to make it through the pain.
Fast forward a few years and I’m back at another personal growth class, where I met Hale, my now husband.
Since meeting some of the ladies along my path, who guided me to become a certified Dream Coach/life coach, I was able to help people in a different way than nursing.
Finally, I was coached to step up. I’ve hosted women’s circles and 6 spiritual vacation retreats. All making a difference in people’s lives.
In addition, I’m in my 12th year of writing and sharing my inspirational blogs with you.
So, you can see when you follow my time line of my life, my mindset and choices, have been vital to who I am today.
Just like you, if you were to sit down and outline your book of your life.
I’m guessing most of you would see how your shift in your mindset and choices have helped you to become who you are today.
Lastly, I have chosen, to focus on my family at this point in my life.
Being available and spending more time with my grandkids, husband, kids and my dad, are my current focus.
My choice is to take care of myself as I’ve been, consciously, for over 40 years, and enjoy my present moments.
What about you?
With love and appreciation,
PS. Here’s a positive article about aging:
PSS. Below are photos of me at 30 and almost 69 years old.
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