What are some moments that fill your heart?
I’m writing about this today since I spent the day with my son, his wife and my two grandchildren this past Wednesday while my son is on spring break from teaching.
We all had so much fun being together and enjoying the Crayola Experience at the Mall of America here in Minnesota! This place is for kids of all ages, with many interactive things to do. We had my 3 1/2 year old granddaughter and 5 month old grandson, and everything was enjoyed by all of us. The baby never cried and was taking in all of the sights and sounds of this wonderful place, for the over 3 1/2 hours we were there! The adults enjoyed it every bit as much as the kids!~
My heart was so full by the end of our time together, with all of the activities and all of the things my granddaughter said and did with me and all of my wonderful moments with my grandson smiling and cooing and holding my finger, and the special times with my son and daughter-in-law, that as I went to bed, it was hard to fall asleep.
I was filled with so much love and joy and my heart felt so very full!
What creates these moments that fill your heart? As I have said in most of my blogs I write, I know so much of enjoying your present moments has to do with you and slowing down long enough to take it all in.
Do you slow down and take it all in? I know for sure that as you do, you will be experiencing these moments that fill your heart too.
This world right now needs all the love it can get. If you listen to any news at all, you know that so much focus is on negativity and this is producing the lower vibrational emotions that I shared in my scale with you last week.
It’s up to you to help shift things to joy, love and feeling that feeling of having a full heart. I take responsibility each day for what I have in my life and what I don’t.
I’m asking you to do the same. Not by making yourself wrong or feeling bad about yourself or the choices you’ve made, only by slowing down long enough to appreciate and to create your moments that fill your heart.
Send me back a message or leave a comment below with some things you will do to create these beautiful exciting moments in your life on a regular basis.
As you do this, you will be helping to create more of a life you love and therefore you’re affecting the world around you.
So are you in? Will you commit to this?
I’m wishing you all as much of a full heart as I have,
To create more of a full heart, join us in Kauai October 27-November 3, 2017 for our third Glow Kauai Spiritual Vacation Retreat! Check all of the videos and details and read what is included in this magical, all-inclusive retreat in paradise with other like-minded people:
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