What are the different types of love, you might ask? Since this is February, the month of love, I’m sharing this informative and helpful information once again. There are 8 different types of love according to the ancient
Looking Back With Appreciation
Looking back with appreciation is something I’ve been doing at the end of this month. First, at the end of the first month of 2024, my gratitude and appreciation are strong. It’s because I got to spend Christmas, New Year’s
The Universal Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy
The Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy is quite a mouthful isn’t it? What in the world does this mean? As I was studying the many Universal Laws to present in a workshop and then to teach
Do You Take Personal Responsibility?
Do you take personal responsibility for your actions? “Do you sometimes wonder what that actually means — and whether or not you’re doing enough? Taking personal responsibility has to do with your actions, words, and choices and
How Do You Feel About An Expectation?
How do you feel about an expectation? Is it a good thing? Because I talked with someone recently about expectations, I immediately thought this would be a good topic for my article. She said she would like to live
Everything Is Smooth And Easy
Everything is smooth and easy. My new manta lately. So, what happens if it doesn’t feel that way? Lately, with all the prep for the holidays and travel, I’ve been feeling quite the opposite. Since I’m very aware of myself