I looked up the word “obstacle” and here’s what I found:
First, I have found that when I start anything new, my subconscious mind sets up obstacles, hurdles or blocks, that keep me from moving forward on this new path, whatever this “new thing” is. As I’m learning, our subconscious minds really want to keep us where we are, in that familiar place.
Hence, it’s up to us to consciously to be aware when this happens and move beyond the blocks or obstacles that keep you stuck.
As the definition above says about an obstacle. They prevent or hinder our progress.
This is the same when you are learning how to meditate. I have been talking about the importance of meditation in my life, in my articles the last couple weeks.
As you’ve read in all of these, meditation is a wonderful, beneficial personal practice for each of us to do daily.
And if you haven’t ever done it, our subconscious mind will treat it like anything else new we begin doing. There will be obstacles it sets up to keep us from taking the time each day to meditate. Many experience this same thing with regular exercise.
Consistency is the key to put our subconscious mind in it’s place! The more we do something, the easier it becomes to eliminate an obstacle.
Therefore, when we are aware of our limiting thoughts, we are then able to move forward and move beyond them much easier, to get rid of an obstacle.
The more we are following through with our daily deep breathing, calming ourselves down for that 5 minutes, 10 minutes or more, it will become a habit, and our subconscious mind will not put up the roadblocks or obstacles anymore. Same with regular exercise or anything else you want to achieve.
For instance, they say it takes just 21 days of doing something consistently, to create a new habit. Knowing this ahead of time and creating our time to do our meditations each day, will be helpful in overcoming an obstacle, that may come up.
Gently remind yourself when the obstacle comes up, that would prevent us from doing our daily meditation, or whatever it is, that it’s only our subconscious mind keeping us where we are at.
Also, be aware your limiting thoughts are not wanting you to create this new habit, this new experience.
Are you good with change?
Some people are better than others at it.
I am aware that doing new things will help me grow and help me to become more of who I am meant to be.
And yet, there are times I still like to be comfortable with familiar things.
Similarly, as I challenge myself more and more by doing new things that maybe aren’t familiar to me, I continue to grow and learn.
What limiting thoughts are creating an obstacle for you?
Lastly, I suggest you take some time now as the new year is approaching, to think and write down things that may not be working in your life anymore.
I hope this was helpful.
Many blessings to you as we head into the holidays and the remainder of this year,
PS. Here is a website with some additional tips to help you overcome an obstacle:
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