The Law of Polarity, is a Universal Law. The Universal Law Of Polarity is a Law I haven’t talked about for awhile. This Law states that everything has an opposite: hot/cold, up/down, dark/light, good/bad. Hence, you need to
Friendship Is Important To Me
Because friendship is important to me, I thought it was time to write about it again. Since I just had my birthday recently, I was so grateful to everyone who took the time to send me a card, wish
Liberty, Justice And Freedom For All
Liberty, Justice and Freedom For All is my topic. With the 4th of July just taking place, I felt it important to share this again. It’s vital we revisit what our great country stands for. Liberty, Justice and
My Last Year Of My 60’s!
My last year of my 60’s, is upon me this week. First, so much about life and how you look at it, is your mindset. Since I don’t feel like I’m almost 69, it really is about my thoughts
Life’s Theory Of Relativity, The Universal Law Of Relativity
Life’s Theory of Relativity is also The Universal Law of Relativity. It’s so important to keep in mind on a daily basis. Everything is relative. Each of us has our own view point. Imagine you’re going about your life, and
Listen To Your Intuition, Your Inner Wisdom
Do you listen to your intuition? It’s often referred to as your inner wisdom. When you do, life becomes better. First, wisdom comes from within. I know the more you spend time alone with yourself quietly, you will