Everything is smooth and easy.
My new manta lately.
So, what happens if it doesn’t feel that way?
Lately, with all the prep for the holidays and travel, I’ve been feeling quite the opposite.
Since I’m very aware of myself and my feelings, I’ve developed this mantra.
You see, as I went about getting things accomplished before the holidays, I realized everything really ended up going well.
In other words, it was my thoughts that were creating the stress inside of me.
What about you?
Do you find yourself making things bigger or harder than they need to be?
Because I share so much about joy and vibrations, I wanted to share with you what happens to me, when things don’t feel in alignment.
You see, I have so many wonderful tools to help myself, and yet at times it’s harder to shift or move myself up the Emotional Scale I talk about.
I’ll share it once again at the bottom of this article.
For instance, I have written about Wu Wei in the past. It means, “going with the flow”.
It is a Chinese word and implies action that is spontaneous, natural, and effortless.
Here is a link to that article to read and refresh your memory of what Wu Wei means:
As the result of me not living within Wu Wei, when I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I’m living the opposite of smooth and easy.
Furthermore, as I became aware of these feelings, I not only said my mantra, “everything is smooth and easy”, I took action to settle myself down and get back into alignment.
Using appreciation, by thinking of things and people I’m thankful for, I move myself out of the lower vibration emotions, listed on the Emotional Scale below.
As I do this, my chances to move over to the left side of the scale are higher, as I move out of the stress.
Doing my daily meditations and taking deep breaths, helps tremendously.
What are things you do for yourself, when you become aware you’re not viewing life as smooth and easy?
Finally, I have found paying attention to myself and what is going on with me, to be an ongoing exercise.
Life truly is about our choices, isn’t it? Our mindset.
As 2024 moves forward, I will be using my mantra more often and my hope is, you will too.
Lastly, when you take responsibility for yourself each day, I know joy will be a common feeling you will feel.
Lets make this year our best ever!
With love and appreciation for each of you,
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