by Connie Hertz When I was putting together my acronyn, M.O.V.E., ( 4 ways of getting unstuck and living the life that you love), I thought about myself in the past when I was really stuck, and how vital it
The “O” Of M.O.V.E is Ownership
The “O” of my acronym, M.O.V.E, is Ownership. When I have been majorly stuck or a little stuck, I needed ( need) to take ownership, responsibility for everything in my life. Taking responsibility for my feelings and my attitude are crucial
Ownership And Our Choices
Ownership and Our Choices By Liz Uram Sometimes we get caught up in the drama of life and forget that we have choices. We have the choice to act or react and the choices we make shape our lives.
M.O.V.E , 4 Ways Of Getting Unstuck To Live a Life You Love
M.O.V.E is my acronym I use with myself and teach others to use, when I/they get stuck in life. This month of March, I will be breaking it down each week to talk about each of the letters and