To move is sometimes not an easy thing to do. M.O.V.E is an acronym I created in 2012, while working with a coach. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic that’s rocking our country and this world, I’ve been using my M.O.V.E.
Motivation And Moving Into Action
Motivation and moving into action come into mind as I look at this year ahead. Remember my M.O.V.E. acronym I shared recently here in my articles? The M of M.O.V.E. is to move yourself physically when you’re feeling stuck. Here’s
M O V E into Joy
M.O.V.E. Into Joy is a 4 part webinar series I did last year. M.O.V.E. is my acronym I use with myself and teach others to use, when I/they get stuck in life. I have been stuck in big ways and
M.O.V.E. 4 Ways To Get Unstuck and Live the Life You Love
M.O.V.E is my acronym I use with myself and teach others to use, when I/they get stuck in life. I have been stuck in big ways and little ways in my life. In 2001, when my husband of 20 years
M.O.V.E Joy
By Connie Hertz M.O.V.E. is an acronym I created and trademarked. I’m very passionate about sharing these simple steps I did when I was extremely stuck and not able to move forward in my life back in 2001-2003. Working with
The E of M.O.V.E ~ Expand Yourself Spirtually
The “E” of M.O.V.E. ~ Expand Yourself Spirtually By Connie Hertz This is my last post about my acronym of M.O.V.E, 4 ways of getting unstuck and living the life that you love. My guest two days ago,