The “E” of M.O.V.E. ~ Expand Yourself Spirtually
By Connie Hertz
This is my last post about my acronym of M.O.V.E, 4 ways of getting unstuck and living the life that you love.
My guest two days ago, Rachel, was so very insightful and pointed out so many of the things I know to be true in life as well. I love the alignment of my guests with what I know and and have lived, and the closeness I feel for each one of them!
We can all make huge differences in peoples lives, as they read our posts and get in touch with their souls, their own inner knowing.
The “E” of M.O.V.E is something I have lived consciously now for 39 years. The “E” stands for Expand who you are inner personally and spiritually. Get in touch with God, your Higher Power, through prayer, meditation, readings, being around others who rejoice in who you are!
When I’m stuck or anyone is stuck in their life, doing a meditation helps so much! Deep breathing helps change your energy and vibration. I began meditating when I was 19 years old through a personal growth class I took. It was using visualization. There are many types of mediation, so find the one you enjoy and will do consistantly!
I have been using a guided mediation now for the last over 3 years, and take time in the afternoon for at least 15 minutes, to refresh myself, get back in alignment, and to help my energy and mindset for the rest of my day.
If I’m stuck or struggling, I set aside 30 minutes if I can.
I have many daily personal practices that I do not deviate from to expand myself.
I read from inpirational books every morning, write in a gratitude journal, say affirmations and pray for myself and many, many people. All of these practices take at least one hour every morning of my life. It’s non-nogotiable. Period. I get up earlier to do all of these things. All of them set my day up in a way that gives me a great postive start.
When I have been stuck, big stuck or little stuck, this last piece of my M.O.V.E is like the icing on the cake. When I lived in despair 10 and 11 years ago, not caring if I lived or died, my connection to God through my prayers, screaming out to Him, and quieting down my mind through meditaion, helped save me.
I encourage all of you to begin to do some form of quieting your mind down. Beginning with taking several deep breaths, and getting a guided meditation CD from the library or book store. Take a yoga class. Only do something daily to improve your physical, emotional, mental and spirtual health!
Another part of expanding myself has been through personal growth classes. There are many different types. You can attend them in person or now through webinars over the internet. Look into them and see which ones resonate with you.
I have a request from someone this week that used my M.O.V.E in a sales meeting to wrap up the month with repeating what each week of M.O.V.E is.
I will also include my video about it again, Click here to see the short M.O.V.E video
The “M” of M.O.V.E is the importance of getting into some kind of physical movement to change your energy. When a person is stuck, their energy needs to be changed. Get outside and take a walk in nature. Do some jumping jacks, go to the gym or health club. Get out of Bed!
The “O” of M.O.V.E. is ownership, take responsiblity for everything in your life! No more blaming others or yourself!
The “V” of M.O.V.E. is verbalize, share with someone else what is going on with you. Don’t bottle things up inside of you anymore!. Someone who doesn’t judge you, someone who has only your best intentions at heart. Get a coach!
The “E” of M.O.V.E. we just talked about in this article, to expand yourself spirtually and interpersonally.
I am so happy with all of the great content of all of the blogs on my website! I know all of us writing the articles are reaching people to perhaps get unstuck, step into their own power, take care of themselves, and love themselves! If they don’t know how, all of the articles since the January 1. 2013, have given everyone lots of ideas and suggestions!
Please share these blogs with everyone on your FB page or through email! My intention is to reach hundreds of thousands of people with all of our messages and help them all become who they were meant to be when they were born!
Love and blessings to all of you,
Carol Sido says
Thanks Connie for this wonderful process to everyday life. This has helped me and I appreciate all that you do!
conniehertz says
You are welcome, Carol! I’m glad this has helped you!~ Connie
Thank so much!