The “O” of my acronym, M.O.V.E, is Ownership.
When I have been majorly stuck or a little stuck, I needed ( need) to take ownership, responsibility for everything in my life.
Taking responsibility for my feelings and my attitude are crucial for living a life I love and to get “unstuck”.
When I was hugely stuck in 2001 and 2002, I didn’t take ownership for where my life was at. I blamed my ex-husband every day for where I was at.
When I went to Landmark Education for their Forum weekend class, I was forced to look at myself and stop blaming my ex-husband for my pain and how I felt every day.
When I heard an older gentleman in the class talk about his pain and bitterness toward his ex-wife for her affair and his estrangement with his children, I thought this was a recent thing he was going through. When he stated it had been 22 years since it happened, I sat in my seat and sobbed. I saw myself, years down the road, if I didn’t stop blaming and hating and being bitter. This was a pivital moment for me. I knew I would not let that happen.
I took the suggestion of the instuctor of the class, and as an exercise to begin my taking responsibility, called my ex.
Talk about one of the hardest things I have ever done! I took ownership for my part in the downfall of our marriage.
That day, I began to finally get “unstuck”. I wasn’t instantly healed of my pain and hurt, I just saw everything in a different light.
I then needed to learn not to beat myself up and blame me!
So, when I say we need to take ownership, I don’t mean to turn this as a negative on to ourselves.
I would say this part of my M.O.V.E is the hardest for me, for you see, I tend to beat myself up when I’m taking my responsibilty. This is where the help of a coach is so very helpful.
My coach taught me I matter and I don’t need to place blame anywhere. It’s really not in my best interest.
I no longer “beat myself up” for very long.
The ownership part of using M.O.V.E is important for us to remember and lovingly bring into play, as we are moving through a stuck time, whether it’s a big stuck or little stuck.
I use this to coach myself regularly. Do I still get stuck? Yes, absolutely. I don’t stay stuck for very long anymore. It isn’t for days or weeks or years now, it may be for minutes or hours. I honestly can say I don’t stay stuck for even days anymore.
I hope you will begin to remember my powerful M.O.V.E, 4 ways of getting unstuck and living a life you love, the next time you are stuck.
If you missed my video last week on March 6th, go back and watch it and read my first blog about all of this. I know you too, can eventually move through your “stuckness” more quickly, as you use my M.O.V.E!
Many blessings to all of you and hear is to living a life you love!
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