The joy of spending time with our grandkids runs deep in my heart. Because I got to spend time in December with all of our 5 grandkids, I’m remembering the joy I felt. However, I didn’t get to have
My Daughter Has A Newborn Daughter
My daughter has a newborn daughter. What an honor it was to be a part of it all. It’s been a very long time since I helped care for a newborn for days and days. Because a newborn requires
Summer, Oh Sweet Summer! Enjoy it!
Summer is my favorite season. Because I live in Minneapolis, summer is very short. We are fortunate to have 3 full months of this sweet season. As a result of the contrast in our weather we have
Finding Joy Even When Things Don’t Look Normal
Finding Joy Even When Things Don’t Look “Normal” Are you able to find joy right now in this different type of life we are living in? First I want you to know, each week as I write my articles,
Spend Time Doing Things That Bring Joy
As I find myself doing things that bring joy, I find hope. Hope there will be changes in our world for the better. As a result of spending several hours with my almost 7-year-old granddaughter and 3- year-old grandson
Finding Joy In This Upside-Down World
Finding joy in this upside-down world may not be easy. Although, I’m here to tell you, you can achieve it. As a consistent workout person for over 38 years now, I found myself reevaluating my way of getting exercise.