As I find myself doing things that bring joy, I find hope.
Hope there will be changes in our world for the better.
As a result of spending several hours with my almost 7-year-old granddaughter and 3- year-old grandson this week, my heart felt refreshed.
The truth is, that morning, I was out for my weekly errand’s and grocery store run.
I felt intense sadness as I saw places boarded up after the riots here in Minneapolis.
Stores were closed for several days. I was there on Wednesday, the first day some of them opened back up.
Due to our last 3 months of stay at home, due to the pandemic, and now watching my city and many other cities destroyed, I have been feeling feelings I have not felt before.
Consequently, the tools I have been sharing for years, have been essential for my mental and emotional health.
My M.O.V.E. acronym I recently shared is a good place to start.
M-Move physically. Get outside in nature.
My walks and working in our beautiful yard, have been helpful for me. Nature reminds me there’s hope. This all brings joy.
O-Open to receive what God’s messages are for you. I pray each day and, on the way to sleep, to hear what I need to hear and know what I need to know.
V-Verbalize what you’re feeling. Don’t hold it all inside.
Share with someone you trust.
E-Expand yourself spiritually and inter-personally. Continuing my daily inspirational readings, prayers, meditations and writing in my gratitude journal help.
Likewise, singing while in the shower and getting ready each day, bring joy.
Being with Liv and Reid on Wednesday, made my heart sing!
The innocence and playfulness of my grandchildren bring joy.
What is it you do to bring joy into your day?
More than ever, doing these things each day is essential for your well-being.
I have found visualizing a violet light around me, helps to bring joy. Or breathing in a violet mist.
Since my first personal growth class in 1974, I learned about using white light and other colors to help heal yourself and others.
Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.
Lastly, I’m doing my best to focus on positive things. As I’ve told you, writing helps me to process.
I hope you find what helps you to process and what may bring joy.
Sending love, joy, healing, and peace to all of us,
Here’s a video/song that always brings me joy. 1967 Louis Armstrong singing, “It’s a Wonderful World”:
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