Let Go and Let God, is something I’ve heard a lot over the years. Will you strive for it? First, it’s all about having faith. I find I like how this sounds and yet it’s not the easiest at times
Faith vs Fear, Which Are You Living In?
Faith vs Fear. I’ve been thinking about this almost daily lately. It’s faith vs impatience for me recently. I guess impatience could be put in a similar category with fear, because it is the opposite of faith, isn’t it?
Does It Feel Like God Is On A Coffee Break Sometimes?
Does it feel like God is on a coffee break sometimes? Recently my friend Ellie shared about my M.O.V.E method in a newsletter. (I will include Ellie’s website at the bottom, so you can see what she is doing
Fear And Faith, Science And This Virus
Fear and faith, science and this virus is what came to me as a title for this article. First, my intent is to give you inspiration and hope, during this time of fear and strife. As a result of listening
My Mom And Her Recent Changes To Her Life
My beautiful mom, Mary, was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. Hence my article I wrote last week about faith and fear. I’ve been in my hometown, Toledo, Ohio, for over a week now. Therefore, flying to be here with
Working With Faith And Fear In Your Life
Faith vs Fear. I’ve been thinking about this almost daily lately. It’s faith vs impatience for me recently. I guess impatience could be put in a similar category with fear, because it is the opposite of faith, isn’t it?