The Value of being consistent is an important asset in order to enjoy your life.
“Consistency is the critical driver for success. Being consistent means dedicating yourself to your goals and staying focused on the things and activities to achieve your goals.
Being consistent requires a long-term commitment from you and involves sustained effort in doing actions repeatedly.
Discipline, accountability, and responsibility are all parts of staying consistent. Consistency can spell the difference between failure and success. Being consistent can help anybody to achieve success in any field of endeavor.”
Recently, I have had some conversations with others about this topic.
First, when I began my coaching practice, I thought people in general had this value.
As a result of many interactions with clients, I found being consistent, was not something that came naturally to some.
You see, this is a very easy value for me to achieve. I’m not sure why, only over the years, it’s been something that I naturally lived.
For example, as I learned that doing consistent morning inspirational readings helped my day to unfold in a more positive light, I incorporated them and never stopped.
Same with doing morning prayers for myself and others. Since this helped me to feel a connection to those I love, I feel it’s important to make the time each morning.
Furthermore, as I chose to take personal growth classes now since 1974, I’ve learned to not only meditate most afternoons, I learned that meditation helps me in so many ways.
It gives me energy, calms my body, mind and emotions. Even simply 15 minutes or less, can achieve this.
Also, as I get my physical body moving often throughout the week, I’ve enjoyed the benefits of my natural “feel good” endorphins being released.
I have consciously been doing consistent workouts for over 41 years.
In addition, eating healthier foods most days, has created my body, at almost 68 years old, to feel much younger.
For many years I also have had weekly chiropractic adjustments and monthly acupuncture.
How can you begin to be more consistent with the many things that will help you to live a healthier, happier life?
My suggestion is to begin with one thing that you know for sure will benefit you.
Make the commitment to achieve whatever it is, one day at a time.
Having an accountability partner, helps immensely. Find a friend or family member that has a similar goal.
“Practicing consistency consists in playing the long game, so don’t expect immediate results. New habits need to form, and change is something that people can be hesitant to do.
It is never too late to practice consistency, especially once we want to improve ourselves and meet our goals several years down the line. It can be tough to do it alone, so seek some guidance from other people, to help improve your way of doing things.”
Lastly, what are a few areas you’ve wanted to improve on?
Take out a notepad or journal and begin writing them down and then write which one is the most important to you.
Finally, begin there.
Contact me if you’d like help with finding your consistency.
Here’s to your success,
PS. Here is the website I got some of my information from:
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