Taking Care of Yourself
What are some ways you take care of yourself?
Self care is vital to living a life filled with joy. When we aren’t taking care of ourselves we can get cranky, irritable and we aren’t a very pleasant person to be around!
Most of us weren’t taught to really think about ourselves first. The perception of thinking of ourselves is “selfish”. I propose we need to think of taking care of ourselves in a new manor.
How about paying attention to when we aren’t taking care of ourselves, and how things don’t go as well as we really would like?
Have you ever heard of the acronym H.A.L.T?
When we are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired, we need to halt and pay attention to what we need at that given time, and take care of this need. I am generally a happy person, living in joy and appreciation. And there are some times that I find myself perceiving life in a way that is not any of these things.
When I find myself not living in the joy I usually do, I stop and H.A.L.T and take care of myself.
I know when I do this, I’m really giving everyone around me a gift. When I’m my best self, I have more to give to others, don’t you?
Do you ever take a day or half of a day to just do something you really enjoy? How about just taking some time to not do much of anything? Tune into yourself, and ask regularly, “What is a way right now I can take care of me?”
I have talked in other months about taking time each morning to read my daily meditations or readings, saying my prayers for others, setting my intentions each day, writing in a daily gratitude journal, doing a daily meditation, exercising on a regular basis, eating mostly healthy foods, drinking lots of spring water everyday, and taking my great supplements.
These are all ways I take care of myself consistently. I really know that making these choices to take care of me daily, have helped me to create a life I love and to become more of who I was meant to be!
Being consistent, adding in a new way of self care regularly, are vital to living the life we were meant to live. It’s up to each of us to take on self care, and make it a daily practice.
What are some ways you can begin to take care of you?
Think about it and really make the time to do them!
You, me, we all owe it to ourselves and everyone we encounter every second of every day, to really practice many different ways to take care of ourselves!
Here’s to your new things you will add to your own life, beginning today! I challenge you to step up and begin NOW!
Much love and many blessings to each of you!
Great Blog Connie,and oh so true! I wish others would read this and take this wonderful advise. Thank you!
Love and Blessings to you as well–Carol
Thank you Carol! Love and blessings to you too!~
How so very true this is! When people take a little time to take care of themselves they truely are so much better to be around.(Not as stressed out and crabby etc…) I don’t mean being selfish and not helping others I mean to be the best that you can be. People have to take the time and care for themselves so they can help others in the best possible way.