Consistent self-care involves becoming self-aware.
Here’s what my good friend Rev. Dr. Rachel Wetzsteon wrote so very eloquently about this:
“Important aspects to look at in becoming self-aware are the following:
- Look at how you are treating yourself. How do you talk to yourself? Do you beat yourself up? Or do you lift yourself up like you deserve?
- Take notice of how you are doing in your relationships. What kinds of thoughts are you having about other people? Are you feeling like a victim to the outside world?
- Are you noticing the good around you? Do you see all you have to be grateful for? Are you smiling and laughing a little or a lot?
- How often are you sick, going to the doctor, or getting injuries?
- Are you happy in your job? Are you making the money you want? Contributing your talents in the workplace?
Now What?
If there are any areas in which you are not happy or experiencing ease in your life, know that you can create what you desire.
Honoring the Self and self-care is not just about taking care of your body, it is about taking care of your mind, your consciousness and knowing that you deserve to be happy.
Also, to feel good, and to be free from dis-ease. Life is meant to be spent loving, laughing, playing, and connecting – NOT struggling and just trying to make it through the day.
“Now What” is not something you need to change, but “Now What” are you going to create?
Do you want to create a better, more purposeful, passionate life for yourself?
If so, then Honor the Self in self-care. The Self in self-care is realizing that the Self is not one size fits all.
It is imperative that we look at our beliefs, in addition to the ‘rules’ we are living our life by.”
To contact Rev. Dr. Rachel:
Consistent self-care includes all health decisions people (as individuals or consumers) make for themselves and their families to get and stay physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally fit.
Consistent self-care is exercising to maintain physical fitness as it also helps create good mental health. It is also eating well, practicing good hygiene and avoiding health hazards such as smoking and drinking (to excess). All of this helps to prevent ill health.
The more consistent you are, the better.
Individuals take care of self-care, and experts and professionals support self-care to help people stay well.
So, I ask you, what are you doing daily to take care of yourself?
As I have spoken of before, I have become good at taking care of myself. I look at taking care of me as something that must be, for me to be able to give to others, as much of my “best self” as I can.
Furthermore, when I listen to what is going on with me as often as I can, tweaking and adjusting as I go throughout my day, my life is so much better. It’s truly a journey, everyday!
What I have found, for over 7 years is, I really enjoy writing these articles every week and expressing whatever is inside of me to share with you.
I never knew I would find so much joy in writing weekly and sharing it out there. I have needed to become vulnerable, to write my perceptions with all of you and have this posted for the entire world to see.
We are all connected, and I know the more I share of me with all of you, the closer I get to becoming the Connie I was meant to become, when I arrived here over 64 years ago.
I take about an hour every morning, doing part of my self-care. I read my daily readings, write in my gratitude journal and because I’m consistent saying prayers for many people and sharing something inspirational on social media, each day, I feel I’ve given to others. These are ways I give back.
Having my yearly “wellness checkups”, are a way I take care of me. I exercise regularly, eat healthy foods most of the time, including my daily protein shake. Also, I eat lots of veggies and fruit, and drink more than 60 ounces of spring water daily. I’ve been receiving regular chiropractic adjustments, massage and acupuncture for almost 30 years as well.
I meditate most afternoons, take great supplements, and I look around myself consciously and appreciate my present moments as often as I can.
Staying in a positive and appreciative frame of mind, helps me to feel better. Helping me to attract more of the people and situations into my life, as I create a life I love.
As a result, when you take care of yourself, you feel happier, more at peace with who you are. Also, you will truly live in more joy than you have ever known. Your life will be healthier and perhaps you’ll live a longer life.
We are responsible for our own happiness in every way! The better care we take of ourselves, the more we can give to others. Similarly, our energy is more positive that we’re putting out into the world.
Finally, write me a message with ways you are practicing consistent self-care and maybe some things you will begin! Remember, be patient with yourself!
With love and blessings,
Here’s a photo of me and my children, Adam and Abby, on Thanksgiving last week. First time we were together in well over 15 years for this holiday with my parents and family. Priceless!
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