Loving yourself and the importance of daily personal practices go hand in hand. Do you agree?
Daily personal practices are something I have been developing and doing faithfully now, consciously, for many years. They have helped me to increase my confidence and to help me to become more of the person I was meant to be.
I begin each day with prayers and affirmations, no matter where I am, at home or traveling.
I read the book by Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life back in the 1970s. I began saying some of her suggested affirmations daily, back then, and continue to say them every morning now.
I took my first personal growth class in 1974, where I learned how to meditate, and began my journey of learning more about me, people, life, and spirituality. I began meditating using visualization and using the colors of the rainbow to calm and still my body, my mind, and feel the oneness of all of us as souls.
Using breath, deep breathing, is a very important piece in calming ourselves and shifting into a state to receive from God and to get in touch with our essence.
I now today, meditate most afternoons. I am using a guided meditation now, with music and using deep breathing. Meditation keeps me living more peaceful, more loving, and in alignment with God and my essence, that wouldn’t be present in the same way, if I wasn’t doing it faithfully.
Consistency is vital when making shifts and changes in ourselves. As the author of the book , The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy says, it’s doing the little things over and over, that make the big differences.
I took a class few years back, Master’s of Manisfestation, with Marcia Wider, in Santa Barbara, where I learned a new meditation I never experienced before. This was mediation through dance, with Garbriel Roth, leading our group, per a video. What a great experience it was! It made me feel so alive and connected.
My other morning personal practices are reading from a few inspirational books and writing in a gratitude journal.
I also workout out at a health club in the mornings, usually 4 mornings per week.
As I’m falling asleep each night, I ask God, Source, the Universe, my angels for anything they want me to know. Help me to hear and recognize their answers, and then help me to get into action, when action is required.
I have found that following the many personal practices that I have for many years now, adding in new ones from time to time, has kept me a happier person, more apt to make the better choices for my days. I know they have helped me to love myself and I am better able to live from my purpose: living in joy and inspiring others to live in joy.
So, I ask you, will you add in at least one personal practice every morning, every night, every day? Will you choose to? If you do, I know you will be happy you did!
I know you will consciously understand as you do the things I suggested, how loving yourself and the importance of daily personal practices are greatly linked.
Check out my Glow Kauai Vacation Spiritual Retreat I’m hosting again in the fall of 2017:
I guarantee you will come home from our retreat loving yourself more than ever, and with more daily personal practice ideas.
Please add a comment of one thing you do to love yourself and to take care of yourself often.
My wish for you is that you take away many things from all of the blogs I write, and choose to become your best self!
Go out and let your light shine, and step up and become the person you were meant to be, when you came here to this planet!
Much love and many blessings,
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