By Connie Hertz
Joy is a feeling I often feel. I create my own joy in my life daily.
When I did a short test while taking my Dream Coaching classes, I came up with joy as my purpose in life. Living in joy myself and inspiring others to live in joy as well.
I know I’m not able to give anyone joy, and at the same time, I think it’s contagious! Don’t you find that when you are around positive, happy people, their energy catches on to you and others? I can inspire people to find and live in their own joy, as I’m living in mine. I can be a good example. Do you agree?
This pic of me expresses a joyful look. The photographer was so fun, as I was doing a photo shoot for my friends website, it was easy for him to capture this look. Put yourself in places and with people who will bring out this kind of joy in you!
Do you think that our attitudes and feelings are a bi product of our thoughts we think? I do.
As I’ve been aware over the last many years of what I think regularly and I’ve chosen positive thoughts more often, my joy I feel and live in have grown. Even in times when things aren’t the way I want them to be, I choose to find the positive in my present moments more often than not.
You may wonder how I do this?
Appreciation. I find things I appreciate and focus on them, instead of the things I don’t want that may be happening.
Do I ever feel sad, angry, frustrated, or a host of other feelings that don’t feel so good? Yes, of course. I just know how to not stay in those feelings for too long. I feel these feelings for as long as I need to, and then begin my process of conscious appreciation. I teach about going on a rampage of appreciation when I speak and coach. I truly know how to shift out of feelings that ultimately keep me stuck.
If you want help learning how to shift into joy, contact me and I will be happy to talk with you.
Love and blessings to you,
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