By Connie Hertz
Healthy shakes are great ways to consume more fruits and veggies each day. You can use them as a meal or as a snack.
I drink the shake I posted a couple weeks ago for my lunch each day with a healthy protein powder.
Here’s the recipe again in case you missed it:
2 C Power greens in the produce section of most grocery stores ( Organic)
1 C fresh parsley ( it’s a great detoxifier)
1 C frozen blueberries
A big chunk of fresh ginger root (peeled and quartered)
A big chunk of fresh lemon with the rind left on ( washed of course and quartered)
a few pieces of fresh asparagus, if you choose
1 C water
You can add any other fruits you choose such as a banana or other berries.
Your choice of protein powder
Mix in a high powered blender, separating the ingredients out, as you mix, then add more in, or a juicer
With this smoothie, I am getting protein and many other antioxidants from the fruits and veggies I put in.
Here are some other healthy protein shakes you can make as well:
Pomegranate Shake
Pomegranates are a source of antioxidants, which scavenge free radicals in the body that contribute to disease and aging. Hemp protein is a complete vegan and raw form of protein. Flax seeds provide omega-3 fatty acids to support brain development and heart health. Blend together one banana, one date — for natural sweetness — 1 cup of cold water, 1 cup of ice, 1 cup of pomegranate seeds, 1 tbsp. of ground flax seed and 4 tbsp. of hemp protein. The smoothie contains about 450 calories and 13 g of protein.
Peanut Butter Banana Shake
Peanut butter is a source of unsaturated fats, and oats offer soluble and insoluble fiber to regulate digestion and cholesterol levels. Blend together 1/2 of a frozen banana, 1 cup of milk, 1/4 cup of rolled, raw oats and 1 tbsp. of peanut butter. The oats makes this shake hearty, with 361 calories and 17 g of protein.
Protein Shake
A meal replacement shake can be a good way for vegans, who eat no animal products, to obtain protein in an expedient manner. In a blender, whip together 1 frozen banana, 1 tbsp. of flax seed oil, 1 tbsp. of honey, 1/2 cup of sliced mangoes, 1 tbsp. of almond butter, 1 cup coconut water and 1 scoop of the Chia seed/pea protein powder I use in my shakes from Pharmanex. This shake provides just about 300 calories with 14 g of protein.
There are many different choices you can make with ingredients. If you have a juicer, you can add carrots, beets, apples and many other veggies and fruits.
If losing weight is something you are going after, you will want to eat 6 small meals per day, with one of the choices being a healthy shake. Before beginning any kind of weight loss program, consult your physician!
Stay tuned the rest of this month for more from me and my guests about nutrition!
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Here’s to your health, happiness and living a life you love!
PS. Here is an article with additional information about this topic:
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