Here are 6 things you can do often to celebrate yourself that keep you positive and healthy. Add one thing in at a time, beginning with baby steps!
1- Start each morning with some inspirational reading of some sort.
Are you willing to read at least one thing each morning that will get your thoughts and feelings moving in a positive direction? Pick up a daily inspirational reading of what ever sort and begin your day this way. It could be something you receive in your email, the Bible, or a number of other uplifting readings.
2- Write in a Gratitude Journal every day, either in the morning or in the evening.
I have been writing in a Gratitude Journal every morning for at least 25 years now.
I teach about appreciation and how it’s a door-way to move yourself to the left side of the Emotional Scale where your feelings are of a higher vibration. If you simply take a few moments either in the morning or in the evening to write down some things you’re grateful for, I guarantee your life will shift in a positive direction!
3- Get out and do something physical at least 3-4 days per week.
A walk in nature, riding a bike, jogging, working out at a health club. This will create those “feel good endorphins” and help you to stay healthy and keep your mood more upbeat.
It becomes a way of life as you begin to do something physical many days per week, that you will miss when you aren’t getting moving in some way. I feel more youthful and healthy because I adopted physical exercise as a consistent habit over 35 years ago. It’s truly paid off now at almost 62 years of life.
It’s a gift I keep giving to myself at least 4 times each week.
4- Make healthier choices in your daily diet.
Eat enough protein to sustain your energy and keep you satisfied, drink plenty of spring water, and lots of fruits and veggies. Take great supplements! This is a way to celebrate you and keep you feeling more alive and youthful.
5- Choose your friends wisely!
Choose to spend time around positive people the majority of your moments. Stay away from negative conversations and interactions. I have heard it said you are the sum total of the 5 people you spend most of your time with.
6- Pay attention to your own self-talk.
Check yourself many times a day to tune in and see what you’re feeling. If your mood is low I guarantee it has everything to do with what you’re thinking! If you’re feeling negative, stop and use appreciation as a doorway to better feeling emotions. Think about someone or something you appreciate. Take deep breaths and relax. All of this will raise your mood every time!
These are just 6 things you can put into play in your life to celebrate yourself and love yourself daily.
When you’ve done a good job at work, in your business, in a relationship or any thing else you’re doing, stop and allow yourself to feel your accomplishments. Don’t just move on to the next thing. It’s so important to allow some time to celebrate what you’ve done.
Watch out though, you will begin to have more people, things and situations come into your life that will help you create more of a life you love!
Leave me a comment of how you will celebrate you in just one way consistently!
Here’s to celebrating you!
Join me and a small group of like-minded people in Kauai October 27-November 3, 2017 for a 7 day/7 night spiritual vacation retreat in paradise. Take a breather from your busy life to just BE. Reconnect with yourself in a powerful, life-changing way.
You will pamper your mind, body and spirit as you learn spiritual tools to help you live with more joy.
All information, videos from 2015 and 2016 are here:
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