What or who is your inspiration?
The word “inspiration” means “breathing in”. To be inspired, you need to breathe in the energy of the Universe to expand your awareness of the world around you.
When you find inspiration, you can find fresh ideas to enhance your creativity and to simply live each day loving your life.
First, my friend and old neighbor, Lorna comes to mind as someone who was my inspiration.
She was wise, fun, well-read, a good listener and very intelligent. She saw and experienced so much in her over 105 years on this planet.
Furthermore, her main lesson to living a life you love and to remain youthful, was your mindset.
Since she always said, “having a positive mindset comes first in living a youthful life,” I do my best to follow her advice.
Similarly, Lorna spoke about regular exercise and healthy nutrition, as other important things to do in your life.
Also, up until she was about 100, years old, she had a vodka or a glass of wine most evenings. When she needed heart medicine around this time, the doctor said no more alcohol.
Basically, Lorna remains one of my main, inspirational, role models for me to live a long, healthy, happy life.
Another inspiration in my life are my parents.
Dad will soon be 95 next April and Mom lived until she was 89 1/2 years old. Married for 70 1/2 years.
They remained youthful and stayed busy being of service in their church. Mom sang in the choir. They never let any grass grow under their feet!
Because my parents were always a great example of love, faith and family, they have inspired me all of my life.
So due to learning my purpose, through my Dream Coaching certification, I have been aware of the importance for each of us to live within it.
For example, I took my daughter Abby through the short exercise to discover her purpose, a number of years ago, which is to be creative.
When she isn’t being creative consciously and regularly, she isn’t as happy or content.
Likewise, for everyone, when they aren’t living within their purpose.
Living within your purpose is about finding what your inspiration is.
As I have coached people helping them find their purpose and living from it, I found it’s vital to living a life you love and enjoy.
After my first Kauai Retreat, it became clear to me that one big reason I’m here on this planet, is to help others know what their gifts are. Then help them share their gifts out in their lives, whatever that looks like for them.
Since we all have gifts, you must learn what yours are and begin to share them regularly.
I guarantee you will live in happiness and joy more often than not.
As we each do this, we will be helping to raise the vibration of this planet, one person at a time.
So, what or who is it that inspires you to get out of bed and share who you are?
Reach out to me if you want help discovering your purpose.
I have been inspired by many things and many others in my life.
Most of you know who you are.
Many blessings to you,
PS. Here’s a link to read more about finding your inspiration:
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