What do you like to do for fun?
Because I get to spend time with our two youngest grandbabies, at least twice each week, I’m having so much fun with them.
Since they are 2 years old and 7 months right now, their innocence and behaviors, keep me smiling. So much learning and growing, is going on every single day!
As you are reading this, I’m spending time with two of my friends at our condo in Florida. Time for relaxation, conversation, pool, beach, laughter and good food.
Furthermore, I know it’s important to take time for ourselves to be alone and to spend time with those we enjoy.
Here are five reasons science suggests you should have more fun:
- “Having more fun improves your relationships, both at work and in life. Research shows that when we have fun with others, these experiences have a positive effect on building trust and developing communication. Having fun gives us an opportunity to connect and be creative. When we laugh together, this sends an external non-verbal message that says: “We are alike, we share values.”
- Fun makes us smarter. According to science, one way to improve our memory and concentration is to have more fun. Partially, this has to do with the stress reduction that happens when we engage in something we enjoy.
- It reduces stress. You probably do not need science to inherently know this already: engaging in enjoyable activities can be an especially powerful antidote to stress. It has been recognized in several studies that spontaneous laughter has a stress-buffering effect that helps us better cope with stress.
- Finding more fun in physical activity balances your hormone levels. It has been well-established that high-stress levels negatively influence our hormones and neurotransmitters (especially cortisol and noradrenalin). Stress also affects our endocrine, metabolic and immune functions. Hormones can have an amazing effect on our mood — this is true for both genders (Koelsch et al., 2016). Certain hormones, such as cortisol, insulin, testosterone and estrogen, can be particularly influential and cause havoc when we have an imbalance. One way to naturally balance hormones is to engage in a pleasurable physical activity.
- It can make you more energetic and youthful. Stress is draining — it can suck the life out of us, making us tired and cranky. When we effectively reduce our stress levels, this can often provide us with a new boost of vitality. Having fun and playing have traditionally been connected with children and the early years of our development. However, many philosophers and psychologists emphasize the importance of play as we get older.”
For instance, after spending time on Thursdays with Elianah, her 2 year old spirit is infectious. I laugh and sing constantly as I watch her learn to say more words and explore where ever we go. There are so many lessons a little one can teach me. And remind me.
Her baby brother, Elijah, simply melts my heart as he smiles at me and reaches out to touch my face and hair.
Having fun is a subjective thing.
It may be different for each of us.
Finding joy and feeling happiness, are in alignment with fun.
As Hale and I sit out on our deck during the warmer months, eating our dinner, it’s such an amazing feeling.
As a result of living in Minnesota, where we have winter weather, 6-7 months out of the year, the contrast with warmer temps, makes me appreciate those special moments even more.
What about you?
I’d love to hear what you enjoy doing for fun.
Wishing you more love and laughter in your life,
PS. Here is the website I got the 5 points from:
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