What Are Some valuable lessons you’ve learned in your life?
First of all, as I think about my valuable lessons, many have come from my mistakes or times that were harder for me.
What about you?
Because, I like to research my topics often and share what others say about them, I’ll share excerpts from a website that caught my eye.
For instance, here is what a wise woman said in an article about her life lessons. I will share the link to read it at the bottom:
“During these 50 years of my life I have come to realize that many things I’ve been through were lessons I needed to learn in order to grow. These times in my life have contributed to the person that I am today, and honestly, I like who I have become.
It has taken me a long time to realize that these things have helped to shape my life… in a positive way… even though some of the things I went through didn’t seem so positive at the time.
These lessons I’ve learned over the years may seem like no-brainers to some people, and that’s okay because we are all living our lives the best way we know how.
Everyone has their list of life lessons that are a direct result of the situations and circumstances that have shaped who they’ve become. I know this is true for me.”
“Some lessons I have learned in my life:
1. A good laugh or cry always makes you feel better.
2. We are all going to fail at some point. Don’t miss the lesson the failure is meant to teach you.
3. Not everyone will like you, and that’s OK!
4. YOU are accountable for your actions and choices…and NO ONE else!
5. It’s best to take a deep breath and pause before you show your anger.
6. Having a victim mentality will always keep you a victim.
7. No one owes you anything.
8. If you want something…you have to work for it.
9. Every decision you make or action you take has a consequence.
10. The people you love will hurt you sometimes.
11. Prayer works.”
As a result of reading another’s thoughts about life lessons, I knew someone out there reading my articles would benefit from this topic.
Another lesson I have learned is about forgiveness. I have written about Radical Forgiveness, which takes forgiveness to a whole other level.
Have you ever read the important book called “Radical Forgiveness” by Colin Tipping?
In other words, this book changed the way I forgive. When my children’s dad left me for a very young woman in 2001, I felt destroyed.
Since this book was introduced to me, many years ago, by some wise people, I chose to read it.
It truly shifted me out of my hatred for he and his girlfriend, now his wife.
Also, the underlying lesson for me from this book has to do with our choices and how we look at things.
Finally, as you learn to look at times in your life as a part of your journey, you’re more apt to see the lessons.
As a result of me paying attention in my life, finding appreciation for so much, my life has unfolded with joy, more often.
With love and appreciation for you,
PS. Here is the link to read in more detail about each of the lessons above I found in this informative article:
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