How Well Do You Do That Self Care Thing?
Three people this week talked with me about not really doing this self-care thing very well.
All of them told me how it’s causing some issues in their lives, both personally and professionally and how stressed they are.
Is that you too?
So what can you do to begin taking better care of yourself?
Well, you’ve come to right place! I am the queen at taking care of myself!
I began my self-care many years ago. All of the things I do today consistently, I didn’t do all at once. It has been a process.
Consistency is vital when making shifts and changes in ourselves. As the author of the book, The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy says. It’s doing the little things over and over, that make the big differences.
I begin each day with prayers, affirmations, inspirational readings and writing in a gratitude journal. All things you can begin to do today! Now I’m not saying to begin doing all of them at once. As I said, it took me many years to develop a rhythm and a consistency, doing these things over and over again.
I suggest you simply do one of these things each morning before you rush out the door. It could be as simple as having an inspirational reading sent to your smart phone each day.
Only instead of skimming what it says, take some deep breaths and really slow down for a moment and read every word it says! Let the meaning sink in.
What about getting something that will inspire and motivate you, to listen to in your car as you’re driving to wherever you go each day?
It’s really not complicated. As I teach constantly, begin to be aware of when you’re living on auto-pilot. Even if it’s the quiet moments you might be alone in your car, you can practice your deep breaths getting more oxygen into your bloodstream. It will lower your blood pressure too.
I practice a guided meditation most afternoon’s as well. This is the one that many people stop at. They say they don’t know how to meditate. Well, it’s as simple as downloading an app on your smart phone with nature sounds or ocean waves and closing your eyes and taking deep breaths while your listening. You can even listen in your car before going into a meeting for a few minutes couldn’t you?
I hear lots of people say, “I have no time to take care of myself”. I say, you can always make time, right?
Do the little things I suggested and I guarantee you will begin to see and feel shifts in yourself.
Get out and take a walk! You can get an exercise buddy and begin together. Join a health club or the YMCA, if you will really go! There again, if you do this, it’s helpful to set a time to meet someone there to work out with you as you’re creating exercise as a habit.
Only I find that for me working out in the morning, when my energy is the best, works for me. If I wait until noon or later, I may not get my workout in. Know yourself where this is concerned. When is your energy the highest in your day? Factor in some kind of physical workout or walk or jog during this time, at least 3 days per week to begin with.
Also, begin choosing healthier food to put in your mouth! Foods high in protein will sustain you longer than carbs or sugar. Google is great to use to look up foods that are healthier for you and that you will actually eat and enjoy!
With all of this said, you will begin to respect yourself and love yourself more than ever, when you begin to do this self care thing on a regular basis.
Will you leave me a comment of one thing you will do to begin taking care of yourself?
Check out my blogs from the past on my website for ideas from articles I have written and guests have written on this topic:
My Glow Kauai Spiritual Retreat will be taking place 2 weeks from today, as I’m writing this! WooHoo! I am so excited! I registered 2 more people just last week! There are still a few spots left if you need time away with amazing people, receive life-changing lessons, enjoy gorgeous sights of Kauai, organic food, massage and much more! Check it all out here on my retreat page:
If it speaks to you, contact me ASAP!
With love and appreciation,
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