All of us are connected. Let me explain.
The Law of Divine Oneness provides the fundamental understanding that we are all connected to one another.
With the 10 Universal Laws I have picked to teach on my Kauai Retreat, I like to begin with this Law.
It sets the stage I feel that begins to tie the Laws to one another.
(You can also receive my FREE eBook, 10 Universal Laws To Transform Your Life, by going to the home page of my website):
We are all connected to the same Higher Power, Source, Universe, God. I usually say God. It’s an individual preference.
We co-exist equally and collectively in the spiritual world as we are all composed of the same energetic foundation.
The Law of Divine Oneness is conscious awareness that although we have found many ways to separate ourselves as individuals with defining labels, we are all energetically One.
With everything that is going on in the United States Of America and this entire planet, I knew I needed to share this information with you today.
We are all a group of spiritual beings who are having a human experience, with the intention of developing more fully in whatever ways our Soul needs to grow.
This is where physical individualism takes form, yet Source energy is the same.
It can be hard to look at someone we appear to have nothing in common with and don’t really like, and believe that we could possibly be connected to them. Yet the only way someone can be in your life is if there is an energetic connection. This connection serves the purpose of healing, awareness, reflection and personal growth.
I know for myself, my greatest teachers in my life have been people who have caused me pain or I have had a conflict with. What about you? Can you identify some of these people in your life?
Maybe not in the midst of the conflict or pain, can you see any lessons. Only after you’ve moved through it or have put some distance between yourself and them, the lessons begin to show up.
Lately, with the conscious awareness I have about me and those around me, I can see even in the midst of the conflicts that there is a lesson for me.
External realities can certainly enforce the belief we are all separate. With the discourse going on in our country, people are not remembering this Law. Much less feel connected.
Yet the Law of Divine Oneness is the conscious remembrance that we are a collective family of humanity, united and spiritually supported equally. We are far beyond our physical bodies.
It’s easy when you are really in sync with a person in your life. Whether they’re someone you’ve known a long time or someone you’ve just met, isn’t it?
To me, these people are people that are living mostly at a similar vibration as I am. Our values may match.
The challenge can come when someone has done something you don’t like and are not in agreement with. For me, this is when I need to remember the Law of Divine Oneness the most.
Please remember, your thoughts create your realities. You each need to guard your thoughts with great care, every moment of everyday. Be aware of getting caught up in any negativity! Raise your awareness that you have a choice about what you will do, say and feel each of your present moments.
The purpose of this Universal Spiritual Law is to connect our conscious minds and open our hearts. Be open to compassion, joy, support, gratitude and appreciation of one another. We are walking our separate Soul-ful paths here on earth.
The Law of Divine Oneness serves to return us to a place of loving, accepting and enjoying each other as family from the same Source.
We all affect each other. Our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors are part of how our individual worlds are playing out and how the vibration of this planet is playing out.
I call myself a conscious messenger. When I take responsibility for my actions and what I have or don’t have in my life, I add to others lives instead of taking away from them.
Will you join me in this plight to begin to consciously do what I’m speaking of here? You can each make a difference!
I may mess up at times because I’m human. My aim is to help you see and own your gifts. As a result you will share them in what ever way you’re guided to.
Because of this the vibration of the planet will raise. What can you do to help with this? Do you know you’re a powerful soul and you can make a difference?
Please don’t cheat yourself out of living a life you love. You have the power of choice all of the time.
I’m holding on to hope and love. The opposite of hate is love. The opposite of fear is love.
PS. As you read this, I’ll be in Kauai enjoying our Kauai Spiritual Vacation Retreat. If I do host this retreat again, I’ll of course let you know. If not Kauai, it will be somewhere else. Stay tuned!
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