I talked last week about becoming a conscious creator. Here are two ideas you can use to manifest in your life:
- Wouldn’t It Be Nice If? Process
- The Book Of Positive Aspects Process
Asking yourself consciously each day, “wouldn’t it be nice if ?” and then fill in the blanks, helps you to manifest.
It’s a gentle reminder for you to shift yourself into a higher vibration. Then you’re becoming a conscious creator.
When you say, “I want this thing to happen, that hasn’t happened yet” (fill in the blank of what you’re asking for), it’s actually holding you in the vibration of the absence of what you want. And nothing will change.
Even when you don’t say that last part of the sentence above, “that hasn’t happened yet”, it will still hold you in a state of not allowing your desire.
When you switch it to, “Wouldn’t it be nice if this desire will come to me?”, you achieve a sort of expectation that is much less resistant in nature. It creates a more positive response from you in vibration. Using this simple process will help you to let in the things that you have been asking for.
Give it a try. As you are aware of what you want to have in your life, work, relationships etc., and work with this process, you’re actually dreaming for a second or two or more of what it would feel like to have whatever it is you’re wanting.
And remember, when you allow yourself to feel what it would feel like to have it for just 17 seconds, you’re putting it into motion. The longer you dream about, feel about what it is you would like, you’re setting it up in vibration, to happen. It’s said if you can simply do this for 68 seconds, you’re well on your way to helping it to manifest.
The second process is creating an actual book of Positive Aspects.
- Pick a journal type book, something that’s pleasant for you to look at. Write or attach to the cover, “My Book Of Positive Aspects”.
- It would be of benefit on your first day of writing in this book, to set aside about 20 minutes. Then after that you can write in it in smaller amounts of time.
- On the top of the first page, write a name of someone or a brief description of someone or something, you always feel good about. It could be your love, a close friend, a family member, a pet or even a place you enjoy going to.
- Ask yourself, “What do I like about you? Why do I love you so much? What are your positive aspects?
- Then gently and easily begin writing down the thoughts that come to you as you’re answering these questions. Let them flow from you. This book is just for you. Write as long as the thoughts flow, and then read what you’ve written.
- Now turn to the next page and write a different name or location at the top of the page. Repeat the process again each time you come back to write in this book.
You may discover that you will have managed to activate within yourself such a powerful vibration of appreciation and well-being, that other names and places begin to come to you to add to your book.
You see, the more you write in this Book Of Positive Aspects, you’ll begin seeing more and more things you appreciate throughout your day. You’re creating a higher emotional vibration for you to live within daily.
Hence, as you do this, you’ll begin finding you’re living in more joy than you knew existed. You’re beginning to manifest more and more into your life, and you’re well on your way to becoming a conscious creator. Your relationships with each of the subjects you added to your book, will become richer and more satisfying.
For these reasons, The Law of Attraction will deliver even more wonderful people, places and experiences into your life, for you to enjoy.
My hope is you will begin to do both of these simple processes now!
Feel free to contact me to set up a FREE 30 minute phone call to discuss all of this:
With love and many blessings,
Here is the Emotional Scale I speak of. I suggest you print it and keep it in a couple places you’ll look at it often throughout your day!~
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