Do you trust your intuition? Do you listen to yours?
I have learned over the years to listen more than not to my own intuition. I haven’t always done this. I started to notice when I didn’t listen to that voice that said, “turn this way or don’t do this, or yes do this”, I was sorry I didn’t listen!
I realized I needed to slow down, pay attention and not be in such a hurry most of the time. Taking deep breaths seem to help me to slow down and tune in to what is going on inside of me.
This all takes some practice. It is said to develop a habit it takes 21 days. The more you pay attention to yourself and your intuition, the more you will also see that you have available to you, a certain insight that can help you in any given situation to make a choice.
For the next 21 days, become slower, pay attention to your feelings, your emotions, take lots of deep breaths, ask for guidance from God and your angels. As you make a little game out of this and practice daily these behaviors, I promise, you will begin trusting your own intuition more and more.
You will begin to not question when you get a message, a feeling to do something or not do something, or go this way instead of that way.
Another thing that you help strengthen in this process, is your discipline. As you are remembering to listen, tune in and slow down, you are creating a new discipline for yourself.
I encourage you to make time to just be. Do some fun things, peaceful things, things that really make you joyful!
The photo here is of me under a water fall in St. Paul, this past fall, as my daughter shared with me one of her favorite peaceful places she has gone to since she was a teenager.
Write me a message below about you trusting your own intuition. Check back in with me after your 21 days as well!
Many blessings to you,
Cindy says
I must admit that I’m not good at listening to my own intuition. This is something I intend to get better at. I get lost in the day to day and forget to check in with myself. Thanks for the reminder!
conniehertz says
Thanks Cindy! As I sais in my blog, take the next 21 days to stop, breathe, and appreciate. Then as you get feelings or messages from your intuition, you’ll have a better chance of following it! Keep me posted on how it’s going!~