M.O.V.E is my acronym I use with myself and teach others to use, when they get stuck in life.
This week I was on a mastermind call and shared this . It reminded me of how simple and useful using it has been for me and others I’ve coached and I wanted to share it with you in this article.
I have been stuck in big ways and little ways in my life. In 2001, on 9-11, after my husband of 20 years left me for a much younger woman, I became majorly stuck.
As I was creating this acronym with my coach, several years later, I remembered vividly what it was like to be majorly stuck every day, every minute, every second of my existence. The despair I lived within was so painful, my thoughts kept going to how much easier it would be if I were not here.
I never thought about killing myself, but I prayed daily for God to send someone to kill me, so I wouldn’t need to feel this intense pain.
What I received instead was God sending someone who would help me, either in person, just showing up at my door, or a call from someone, within 30 minutes of my screaming out in pain.
My faith increased as God continued to send someone to help me. Many, many times it was my angel here on earth, my friend Wendy.
I found what helped me greatly during these deep stuck times, and now when I’m stuck in lesser ways, is to get into some kind of movement. Physical movement.
What I find and found back in the times when I was very, very stuck, is getting outside into nature for a walk, doing jumping jacks, or going to the health club, would change my energy. It raised the vibration of where I was at, to a higher level, where I didn’t feel so much of the pain and despair.
So the “M” of M.O.V.E, is movement, of whatever kind you can muster up at the time. Get into physical action of some sort.
As my time went on, I found as I could keep moving, put one foot in front of the other, and consistently do something physical, I began to change.
It didn’t happen all at once.
I was really beginning to trust that God had other things in mind for me to do. As I got out and put myself around people and shared who I am and some of my gifts with them, I found out it was so helpful.
The O of M.O.V.E. is about taking ownership for yourself and what’s going on. Stop blaming yourself or anyone else. It’s easy when something has gone on, to resort to blame.
Another piece of the O is about being open to receive. Open to accept help from others. Open to hear what God and your angels may be saying to you.
The V of M.O.V.E. is verbalize. Find someone to talk with that’s safe and supports you. Stop holding it all inside. One of the times I was majorly stuck in my life, I found myself not telling anyone what was going on. It felt like it was eating my insides up. Once I began to share with someone I trusted, some of the weight was lifted off of me.
The E of M.O.V.E. is expand yourself spiritually and inter-personally. Take time to read an inspirational reading each day. Write in a gratitude journal. Go to your place of worship. Pray. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people. Be of service.
So, I ask you, do you get stuck? “Little or Big” stuck happens because we are here on earth as human beings. It’s up to each of us how we handle each of these times when life feels hard.
I hope you think of my M.O.V.E. acronym the next time you’re stuck. It’s fairly simple and when you begin to do each of the four tips I shared, you’ll find you’ll feel lighter and better able to move through what may be going on. It helps you to love your life.
Contact me with any questions and please leave any comments.
Love and blessings to you,
PS. Here is the Emotional Scale once again to remind you of what you’re feeling, coming from what you’re thinking. As you can see, I lived at number 22 for quite some time back in 2001 and 2002. Not a fun place to live. I didn’t have this scale back then. So I share it with you now, in hopes you’ll print it and look at it every day. Maybe it will help you to move forward faster than I did.
Remember to stop and use appreciation as a doorway to move you up on the Emotional Scale. Perhaps you’ll even live on the left side more often.
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