Understanding the Universal Law of Rhythm is important to you in many ways.
First of all, this Law is about the natural cycles of life. Everything has a natural rhythm to it.
We can see this with our sunrises and sunsets. Moonrise and moon set.
The tide goes in and the tide goes out. This photo is from my Kauai Retreat October 2015 while on a helicopter. Watching the tides go in and out is mesmerizing!
Good times follow bad times.
In business, marketing follows a rhythm.
Sales have a rhythm to them as well.
Consequently, look at how technology has changed in just the last few years, much less look at where it was when each of us were growing up.
Relationships have a rhythm to them. Earning money has a rhythm.
During each of these seasons or cycles only certain things can happen.
Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development and patterns.
The Law of Rhythm states that everything is like a pendulum. Whenever something swings to the right, it must then swing to the left. Everything is involved with a dance………. A swaying back and forth. Everything is either growing or dying.
Similarly, there are cycles of economies, there is a high period and a low period. Everything has a rhythm or a pattern.
What seems to be random is really very orderly.
Because this Law governs our economy, health, relationships, and spirituality, the following is an example:
Let’s say that you’re at a peak potential with your health and fitness. If you realize you’re at the peak, then you can foresee your health and fitness dropping some. However, instead of viewing this “drop in health” as something being wrong with you, you now view it as a sign to rest your body, maybe change your nutrition and exercise, as well.
Then by Law you have to grow to a better and higher state of potential.
What we need to understand is, how we use this in our favor to begin to know what that rhythm is. Anything that has a rhythm to it, you will actually get into that rhythm.
You’ve heard of people having a breakdown before having a breakthrough? That’s also the Law of Rhythm.
Begin to pay attention to your feelings at all times. Know that they are coming in cycles or in a rhythm.
Furthermore, when you understand this Law intentionally you will not let yourself go down so far that you have no hope or you’re living in despair.
Understand you’re in a down cycle and recognize it. It will begin to change. When a person doesn’t recognize these times as a cycle, they can easily go into a downward spiral.
Lastly, I teach about appreciation being a doorway to shift into positive feelings. Stopping often to appreciate things and people, shifts your emotions to joy and love.
It’s the easiest way to keep yourself from going down into a spiral of negativity.
Pay attention to your rhythms and those of others around you! Leave me a comment about any rhythm’s you have noticed in your life!
PS. Here is a link to look at all of my retreats I have hosted since 2015. Videos are from Kauai. The next retreat is in Costa Rica, February 13-19, 2023. There may be a spot left for you!
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