The Universal Law of Attraction is the one Universal Law most people have heard about. After the Secret book and movie came out, they raised the awareness of this Law.
It’s one of my 10 favorite Laws I have shared during my Glow Spiritual Vacation Retreats Three on the island of Kauai, spring of 2022, & February 2023, in Costa Rica. And a few of them at my retreat in Sedona, Arizona 2021.
First, this Universal Law simply says you will attract into your life, whatever you think about. We attract whatever we choose to give our attention to–whether wanted or unwanted.
Some will dispute this statement. There is a buffer of time between what you think and what will manifest into your life, usually.
Remember how I have shared in other articles, “you become what you think about regularly?”
That our thoughts are very powerful? I’ve urged you to slow down and pay attention to what is going on with you at any given moment.
Since you have this buffer of time and you don’t instantly manifest what you’re thinking about usually (I add usually, and that is a topic for another article), it gives you grace to become aware of what you’re thinking and feeling. Then you can shift and change as quickly as you can.
The Law of Attraction, is Universal because it does not matter who you are, where you live, what your religious beliefs are, your age or sex, the Law is true for everyone equally.
That which is like itself is drawn. Like attracts like, unlike the saying, “opposites attract”.
We are all energy beings, and everything is made up of vibrations. As you think something long enough you will attract it into your life. Another way to say this is, your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest.
As you stay on the left side of the Emotional Scale, where all the vibrations are higher, you are emanating the vibrations that are in alignment with what you truly want to have in your life.
As you stay on the right side of the Emotional Scale often, where the vibrations are lower, you’re attracting into your life things you truly don’t want.
I’ll include the Emotional Scale once again at the bottom, so you can print it and look at it often.
Because I have been talking about this in my articles, your choice to become a conscious creator, is more apt to happen. You have awareness about this.
Much of the time, we attract by “default” rather than by deliberate choice.
By paying attention to what is going on within us daily, your awareness is raised. Your emotions are the best indicator of what you’re thinking.
The Law of Attraction is like a Universal Manager that sees to it all thoughts that match one another, line up.
As your experiences cause you to launch vibrational rockets of desire, you must then find ways of holding consistently in vibrational harmony with those desires to receive their manifestation. If not, they will not be able to find you. They will simply go past you.
One way to achieve this is feeling appreciation regularly throughout your day.
As I’ve spoken about many times, appreciation is the doorway to get from the right side of the Emotional Scale to the left. As you stop many times every day and feel appreciation for people, nature, and things you have in your life, your vibration will begin to rise. It will become a match for what you are wanting to have in your life.
In contrast, when you doubt you will have or achieve your desires, this creates a resistance that will keep them away.
When this happens, the Universal Law of Attraction will continue to match the vibration of not having it. You will continue to not have that which you desire.
If there is something you desire, you only need to keep your attention on it. Then your vibration matches this desire and by the Universal Law of Attraction, it will come to you.
You must allow these things you desire into your life.
Furthermore, the Art of Allowing is another topic I’ve shared in my articles over the years. It may be time to share about this once again.
My hope is you will apply what I’ve shared today into your life!
Contact me with your thoughts about this powerful Universal Law!
With many blessings to you,
PS. Here’s a link to read more about this Law:
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