The Pivoting Process is another tool you can use to help raise your awareness of what you’re attracting into your life.
This is an article I wrote a while ago and I’m sharing it again. I’m sharing it because I feel it’s important to use often.
The wonderful book Ask and It Is Given, from Abraham-Hicks, has this tool and many others to help you live a life you love.
If you haven’t read it, I suggest you get it and use the tools in the book, on a regular basis.
I’ll give you an overview of the Pivoting Process.
Pivoting is often the first step in beginning to shift your habit of vibration consciously. It helps you to define more clearly what it is you truly would like to have in your life and how you want to feel.
Therefore, when you’re aware of what you don’t want, it helps you to become aware of what you do want.
It’s possible to be focused on the opposite of what you want to have in your life, without knowing it. As you use the Emotional Scale, I keep sharing with you at the bottom of my blogs, you’ll have a better understanding of what I’m talking about.
As a result, you’ll begin to raise your awareness regularly about what you’re feeling, vibrating and then attracting into your life.
With pivoting, you become aware that what you may be thinking, and feeling aren’t in alignment with what you really would like to feel and have. With this awareness you can begin to pivot and change around what you’re attracting consciously.
For instance, think about when you pick up a stick. You’re picking up both ends. The Pivoting Process will help you become aware of which end of the stick you’re activating.
Is it the end that is what you want or the end you don’t want?
Because when you become aware, you’re feeling something on the right side of the scale, the lower vibration emotions, you know you’re attracting something unwanted.
Little by little, you will redirect your vibration, and eventually the improved vibration will become your dominant thought.
Look at the Pivoting Process as a gradual shifting of your point of attraction. After that, you’ll begin to enjoy the positive results that will follow.
As you keep focusing on what you want and how you want to feel, there’s no way you won’t achieve the results you want to have. It’s the Universal Law of Attraction and the Universal Law of Vibration at play.
Furthermore, when you think thoughts that are not in harmony with God, your Source, and continue to do this, you’re cutting off the energy to receive the things you want in your life.
As you consciously pivot, your awareness that you’re cutting this energy or vibration off, will raise.
As a result, you will then become aware of how you want to feel. You will set yourself in a pattern of higher vibrations. And you will begin to live more often on the left side of the Emotional Scale. Ask yourself, “Am I thinking of what I want or the lack of it?”
If you’re not sure of how to begin this Pivoting Process, begin saying to yourself, “I want to feel good.”
As you continue to simply do this regularly, feelings on the left side of the scale will come to you more often.
With that, you will be feeling more of the emotions on the left side of the scale.
You will begin to live in more harmony with living a life you truly love. Stop often to throw in appreciation throughout your day. Remember appreciation is a doorway to get to the left side of the Emotional Scale.
Finally, I’ll include the scale, at the bottom so you can print it and look at it throughout your day.
The Pivoting Process is a tool that will bring to you what you want. It is where you consciously decide, “Yes, I want to look for what I want. I will no longer look in the direction of the lack of it.”
I hope you will begin today to use this tool and use it often.
As you begin to use it, will you send me a message of how it’s working for you? I’d love to hear!
With hope and many blessings to you,
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