The importance of grace in our life is vital right now.
Grace. What does living from a place of grace look like?
It is a word that is spoken about a lot, especially in church and among Christian friends. Only what is it? What does it mean?
Therefore, I felt it was time once again to share my previous article about this important topic. It’s time for each of us to live in grace or to grow in grace, as much as you can.
By the simplest definition grace is “unmerited favor” or “unconditional love.” It’s the exercise of love and kindness to benefit or serve another.
For instance, it’s a disposition of kindness and compassion.
Giving or saying grace before a meal. Giving thanks.
As a result of beginning my research about the meaning of this important word, I became very intrigued. There are lots of ways you can interpret it.
Above all, as I live in our world today, I am aware of the importance of grace.
We, as aware, thoughtful people, want to see our world and country succeed. Therefore, we know it’s time for us to take a deep look at grace and begin living from it.
You can take responsibility for yourself and how you’re showing up in the world every minute of the day.
Consequently, this article can help you look within and make some changes toward the awareness of the importance of grace. Hence living within grace more often.
As an example, here’s a helpful definition from Paul Zahl I found:
“Grace is love that seeks you out when you have nothing to give in return. It is love coming at you that has nothing to do with you. And it’s being loved when you are unlovable…. The cliché definition of grace is “unconditional love.”
Let’s go a little further, though. It’s a love that has nothing to do with you. It has everything and only to do with the giver. Grace is irrational in the sense that it has nothing to do with weights and measures. It has nothing to do with your intrinsic qualities or so-called “gifts” (whatever they may be). Grace reflects a decision on the part of the giver, the one who loves, in relation to the receiver, the one who is loved, that negates any qualifications the receiver may personally hold…. it is one-way love.”
“Grace is being loved when you are unlovable.”
However, the things Paul mentioned above, may not be easy. Are you exhibiting being “the giver”?
As I continued my research, I found so many rich meanings of this beautiful word.
Grace is the spiritual freedom that arises when you realize that life is a gift. From this awareness you seek to live in harmony with the power that created us, God. From this relationship, arises a profound feeling of happiness as well as spiritual, emotional and mental freedom.
Many people have experienced “grace moments.” Intuitively, they know what it is, but trying to express this idea can be challenging. Here are ideas of what it produces inside of you:
- Alignment with God
- Awakening
- Authenticity
- Balance
- Bliss
- Clarity
- Connection
- Courage
- Divine Love
- Effortlessness
- Leads to Faith
- Flexibility
- Flow
- Flows from God
- Flows Toward God
- Freedom
- Gratitude
- Gentleness
- Beyond Happiness
- Harmony with the Whole
- Interdependence
- Sense of Oneness
- Patience
- Peace
- Power
- The Precious Present
- Strength
- Transformation
As you search your heart about your thoughts of what this powerful word means to you, I hope you will find many of the things listed here, as a way you choose to live.
Finally, as a result of living in this uncharted time in our lives, I hope you stop often to remember this word. This pandemic has given most of us, the time to reflect and go within.
Above all, live to the best of your ability keeping the importance of grace at the forefront of your heart and mind.
As a result of living in grace, it will help you to navigate this upside-down world.
Furthermore, I give much gratitude to all of the front line people out there taking care of all of us. It’s a long list of selfless people making sure we are taken care of, fed and have homes with heat.
Finally, I’m here for you. Please let me know if you’d like to talk.
Many blessings,
Here’s an inspiring article about the importance of grace in our lives:

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