Be the one to find the good in others. Or finds the gold.
It’s easy to see the stuff you don’t like, or as the meme says above, “the dirt”.
This meme has spoken to many people. When you react in your life instead of taking stock of what’s going on, you’ll probably see the dirt in someone. The part that irritates you.
When you choose to find the good in another and then express it to them, I would bet you’d get a smile out of that person. It will make you feel good too.
As you get busy and move quickly throughout your day, the chances are greater you’ll simply react to a person or a certain circumstance. When you do this, your first reaction may not be to look for the good or find the good, in another.
What are some things you can do to shift this around for you?
I speak often of slowing down and not living on auto-pilot.
One way to help to achieve this, is becoming more organized and not waiting until the last minute to do things.
When you fly by the seat of your pants, you’re opening yourself up to feel stress.
If you choose to write at least the top 3 things you really want to achieve the night before or the morning of, chances are greater you’ll make them happen.
When you start your day reading something inspirational and perhaps write in a gratitude journal, you’re setting yourself up to feel happier.
Perhaps you’ll feel more relaxed and more calm as well.
I truly think that most people don’t enjoy treating anyone or even themselves, in a negative way.
As I’ve talked about in my articles, it’s your choice. You choose.
Being aware that someone may be going through something you don’t know about, may help soften your thoughts about them.
I guess most of the time I choose to look for the good in people. Even my ex-husband used to say that I could find the good in anyone!
What I know for sure, is none of us can know where another is coming from at any given time. Some people can hide their troubles more easily.
As you show appreciation, respect and kindness to people, you’ll get it back. Sometimes immediately.
Everyone has something you can find to appreciate. Focus on that.
As you are able to find the gold in another, you’ll be changing your own life. You’ll be that guiding light for others to follow. The energy and vibrations you’re putting off will help you to live on the left side of the Emotional Scale more often.
Your life will be more joyful and peaceful and then it’s easier to see the good in another.
If you want to talk with me about all of this, feel free to contact me and set up a FREE 30 minute phone call:
Here’s to you choosing to find the good in others!
Many blessings to you,
PS. Here is the Emotional Scale again. I hope you print this and keep it where you will look at it often. Being aware of what you’re feeling, will help you to look at what your thoughts are as well.
Maybe you’ll slow down and begin seeing the good in others most of the time.
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