The focus wheel process is great to help you when you’re feeling something that’s pretty intense and you want to shift out of that feeling.
When you’re aware that you are feeling a negative emotion about something and you want to feel a positive emotion instead, is the best time to use the focus wheel process.
Or when you are feeling such an intense negative emotion about something and you want to feel some relief, is another time to use this process to help you focus on something that feels better.
Here’s how to begin the Focus Wheel Process:
- Draw a huge circle on a piece of paper
- Next draw a smaller circle within the large circle
- Sit back and look at the smaller circle and focus your eyes on it
- Close your eyes for a moment and turn your attention to whatever has happened that produced this negative feeling
- Identify exactly what it is you do not want
- Say to yourself, “I clearly know what it is I don’t want, what is it I do want?”
It’s helpful to identify what you don’t want, in order to identify what it is you do want, in terms of the way you want to feel about this subject that helped you to feel this negative emotion.
- Now look at this larger outside focus wheel as if it’s a clock. Begin at 1 o’clock and write something you want to feel
- Continue around the wheel and write 12 statements about how you do want to feel
- You may need to say out loud the statement of something you want to feel, to see if it does help you to feel better, before writing it down
Let me give you an example using someone who is feeling overweight and not good about their body. It’s the first of the year, and they want to lose weight.
In the 1 o’clock position you could write:
I don’t have to do it all today.
Then in the 2 o’clock position:
It will be fun to buy myself some new clothes.
3 o’clock;
My body will feel better and more healthy.
4 0’clock:
I will feel more vital.
5 o’clock:
New ideas how to do this will come to me.
6 o’clock:
I already know some things that will help.
7 o’clock:
I like being in control of my own experiences.
8 o’clock:
I’m looking forward to making this change.
9 o’clock:
I like feeling good.
10 o’clock:
I like feeling good about my body.
11 0’clock:
I feel good about my body.
12 o’clock:
I have great energy and I feel so happy!
You can use the focus wheel process using this example for anything that you’re feeling out of sorts about.
The reason the Focus Wheel Process is so effective is because the statements you’re writing are those that you have deliberately chosen. They’re general statements that you already believe inside, that match your desire. In the example above it’s the desire to lose weight.
The reason this process works is because you’re using the Universal Law of Attraction.
I’ve spoken before about the power in holding a thought for as little as 17 seconds and how another thought like it will join it. As those two thoughts come together, there is a combustion that occurs that makes your thoughts even more powerful. So by the time you get to number 12 on your focus wheel, you’ve accumulated lots of positive thoughts that you’ve been focusing on haven’t you?
It’s said that when you can hold your thoughts on something you would like to feel for as long as 68 seconds, it’s well on its way to happening.
Using this process will easily help you hold your positive thoughts for at least 68 seconds or more.
My left knee has been bothering me lately. I’m going to use this process to see what happens.
If I started with “My knee is well”, my thoughts aren’t lined up yet with this statement. The reality is, it aches. ( I have seen an orthopedic surgeon as well)
If I say instead at number 1 “I know my physical body responds to my thoughts”, it’s something I do know to be true. If you’re not sure about this statement, don’t use it! It won’t feel good to you. The goal is to only write at each number on your wheel, a statement that rings true for you.
I could say next, “For the most part, my body is doing pretty well.” I believe that, so this statement feels right.
Next, “My physical body has been very good to me”. I know that to be true.
And so on. Are you getting the picture of how the Focus Wheel works?
Your point of attraction is shifting and changing, the more you use this process on any given subject you need help with.
If you have any questions about this process, set up a FREE 30 minute phone call with me:
The way I look at it, we all need many tools to choose from, to help us move forward in our lives. Ultimately, we create a life we truly love.
My hope is you will use this tool often. Have fun with it!~
With love and many blessings,
PS. Below is the Emotional Scale once again to print and look at often.
I know for myself and many people who are visual, being aware of where you’re at on this scale is very helpful to shift yourself to a higher vibration on the scale.
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