What is Gratitude?
According to Wikipedia, the definition of gratitude, a noun, is the quality of being thankful. Being grateful is the adjective of gratitude.
What is Appreciation?
According to Wikipedia, the definition of appreciation is the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.
Appreciation can not only be used as a noun, but also as a verb as well. Appreciative is the adjective of appreciation.
First, appreciation increases the value of something. It helps you to focus on the good qualities of something or someone. Consequently, it adds so much power. Partly because appreciation is the identical vibration of love.
Love and appreciation are the highest emotions you can have on the vibrational scale. I’ll share the Emotional Scale once again at the bottom. You will see they are both number one on this scale.
According to the following, appreciation is:
- Recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something-Google
- A feeling of expression of admiration and approval -Mirriam-Webster
- Recognition of the quality, value, significance or magnitude of people, places, or things
Stephen Covey says:
“Next to physical survival, the greatest need of a human being is psychological survival. To be understood, validated, to be appreciated.”
What is the Difference Between Gratitude and Appreciation?
As you can see, by the above definitions of gratitude and appreciation, there is a lot of crossover.
Gratitude and appreciation are considered as positive qualities in a person that allow you to maintain a positive outlook on life.
Gratitude: feeling of being grateful. Minimally, gratitude is an emotional response to a gift or a lesson you’ve learned.
It is appreciation felt after one has been a beneficiary to an altruistic act.
Appreciation: acting on my feeling of gratitude and showing someone, I am grateful. Seeing the good qualities in someone or something.
What do you see as the difference between gratitude and appreciation?
Learning to see and appreciate the beauty around you can help you cultivate gratitude, which in turn can lead to greater happiness.
Therefore, gratitude is the base from which appreciation grows and flourishes…if we are paying attention.
That is, we can be grateful for something in our lives, without really appreciating it.
The subtle shift from gratitude to appreciation involves being more present.
More thoughtfully aware and active in reflecting on the reasons we feel grateful about something or someone.
In addition, through present moment awareness, we begin to generate feelings of appreciation.
As I frequently talk about, when you slow down and stop living on autopilot, you will become aware of your surroundings and the people in your life.
Lastly, during this time in our lives when so many things feel “upside down”, finding gratitude and then expressing our appreciation, will help us to find joy.
Because, you may need to pay close attention to your gratitude and how you show appreciation, it’s helpful to do this, many times each day.
Print the Emotional scale to look at throughout your day.
As a result, it will help you to pay attention to what you’re feeling.
When you find you are on the right side of this scale, you can use appreciation as a “doorway’ to get over to the left side.
In other words, on the left side, you will find more joy and love in your life regularly.
My wish for you is to stop and really pay attention to where you’re at often.
With love and blessings,
Here’s another person’s thoughts on this topic:
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