We gain so much clarity about ourselves, life and what really matters, the older we get. Do you agree?
Most mornings after I read my inspirational readings and write in my gratitude journal, I post something inspirational on social media.
It’s another way for me to feel connected to others and perhaps give people something uplifting and inspirational to read.
This past week I posted this meme above about the more clear it becomes as we get older that loving and being loved, are the really only important things in life.
I received more than normal engagement from this post. Lots of likes, loves and many shares.
It was an indication to me that people really get this. They really have clarity about this topic.
I know for me, I appreciate so much more on a daily basis, at the age I’m at. As I often write about, I urge you to slow down, pay attention to what is going on around you, take deep breaths, relax, laugh, smile, and feel love and gratitude throughout your day.
Having clarity about what you feel, where you’re at in any given moment, is vital to living a life you truly love.
Of course loving and being loved are at the top of most of your lists. That includes loving yourself.
Loving ourselves is where it all will begin to transform your life.
I was speaking to someone the other day, helping her walk through doubts and fears she was having. I believe if you take the time to know that feeling good inside needs to come first, you’ll find ways to achieve this. You will lesson or eliminate your doubts and fears.
What are some of the things you can consciously do to achieve this?
- Last weeks Focus Wheel Process
- The Pivoting Process
- Segment Intending
- Taking time to do something you really love each day
- Listen to uplifting music
- Take even a short time each day to meditate. Listen to soothing music and breathe
- Get moving! Take a walk, get to the health club, do yoga
- Talk things over with someone you trust. Don’t go it alone when you’re struggling with something
What else can you think of? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Send me your comments, will you please?
To read about these topics above, go to my website to read them:
I love the age I’m in for so many reasons. As I look back at who I was and how I felt inside many years ago, I find I’m so much more calm and peaceful now.
There is more clarity about what really is important to me. How about you?
My trust and faith in God have grown over the years.
I trust the process of the Universe more than ever before. Listen to guidance and act on it.
I hope you will begin to consciously choose to pay attention to you and what you’re feeling throughout your days. I’ll include once again the Emotional Scale at the bottom so you can print it and remind yourself to shift to a higher emotion/vibration. Then you’ll be living in more joy, peace and love more moments each day.
Love and blessings,
This resonates with me. When I look back at how unhappy I was when young and how happy I am now, it is directly linked to gratitude. Connie, I am grateful for you!
Julie thank you for your comments. Yes gratitude/appreciation is so important to so much in our lives! I’m grateful for you too my friend!