The art of allowing is when you’re not resisting. It’s about going with the flow and being open to receive.
As an example, WuWei is a Chinese word meaning, going with the flow; letting go; allowing.
I think it’s called the “art” of allowing, since “art” implies it may take practice.
Releasing resistance could also be called the art of surrender. Letting it go. The “it” you let go of, is any thought, feeling or belief that generates negative emotions inside of you. Things that are not serving you for your highest and best good.
When you trust and have faith in God, you’re practicing the art of allowing and you are open to receive.
For instance, when you release resistance, you are automatically engaged in the art of allowing. Allowing is our natural state.
So, what does it mean to be resistant to something? How does allowing help you to release resistance?
Resistance would be attempting to move upstream, fighting the current.
You don’t have to work hard at allowing. If you make it a habit to notice and release resistance, you automatically live more of each day in a state of allowing.
Whenever you release resistance, your vibrational point of attraction automatically returns to its natural state of well-being and allowing.
Think of allowing, as floating on the water’s surface, as you’re going downstream.
You know you’re allowing when your thoughts, feelings and emotions are generally positive.
You must find the feeling place of what you want, then see it in your minds eye.
Allowing can be a fleeting state for most of us. We continually slide back and forth with feeling resistance at one end and allowing at the other.
For instance, if you’re driving along a beautiful country road on a sunny afternoon, windows open: this is allowing.
Driving tensely on a 5-lane freeway during rush hour and being cut off by a reckless driver: resistance.
If it sounds simple… it is. Yet, few of us take the time to release resistance.
Releasing resistance doesn’t require a lot of effort or time. Here are 5 quick and simple ways to do it. And then you will be practicing the art of allowing.
1. Take a big huge deep breath.
Then let out the strongest exhale you can, telling yourself that the resistance is leaving. Repeat this a few times until you notice yourself feeling lighter or calmer – a shift toward a positive emotion is your sign you have released resistance and shifted into allowing.
2. Give yourself a 5- or 10-minute break and watch, read or listen to something that makes you laugh or relax. Watching a funny video or listening to a guided meditation or ocean waves, are something you can do. Pray.
3. Recall or spend time, with a person or pet you adore and send as many loving and appreciative thoughts their way as you can – set a timer for 3-5 minutes and just let yourself appreciate. Write down in this time as well, as many things as come to your mind, that you appreciate. You will feel yourself letting go and feeling lighter.
4. Get outside for 5 or 10-minutes (or longer). If the weather’s nice, it’s easier to stay outside longer. It’s ideal if you can get to a park, a trail, or a body of water.
5. Do something for someone. Getting out of our own habitual state of focus on “me and my issues” is one of the quickest ways to release resistance. Help an elderly neighbor take out the trash or just go sit and chat with them for a bit. Donate your time with the charity of your choice. Help a friend or relative.
These 5 steps to release resistance work, because allowing is our natural state, and the moment we release resistance, we return to that state.
Enjoy the 5 steps and let me know your experience with them. You’ll be living within the “art’ of allowing as you do.
Finally, the more often you practice all of the above and release your resistant feelings, the more joy you’ll have in your life. You will be allowing more of the people, places and things into your life that you truly would love to have.
Love and blessings,
Finally, here is more information on this topic:
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