As I decide what to write about each week in my blogs, the topic of taking time to enjoy your harvest, came to mind.
I was out picking veggies from our beautiful garden, and many things came to my mind about life.
There’s a lot of work that comes into play when you have a garden. The planting, weeding, watering and then picking the vegetables as you harvest them.
Just like in your life. You usually spend a lot of time working on any project, whether it’s something you’re doing in your home, with your business or in your relationships, right?
There’s time and patience that need to take place to see the fruition of anything that you’re doing. Sometimes you quit too soon, don’t you?
As I was picking our green beans today, I kept seeing some that were hidden that I missed. I needed to keep going back over the different bean plants to make sure I didn’t miss any of them that were ready to be picked.
I chuckled as I swear I just looked at a particular bean plant and I thought there were no more ripe beans there. Same thing with your life or business. To do anything thoroughly and to the best of your ability, you need to slow down, go over things many times, checking your work, don’t you?
It helps to keep a sense of humor about whatever project you’re doing. If you can maintain your sense of humor, things seem to go more smoothly too.
As I was digging up our carrots, there were some that critters had nibbled on at the top where they stuck out of the ground. Only as I dug up the whole carrot, below the surface was fine and would be edible if I cut off the damaged part.
Is that how it is with you at times? You feel frazzled and look that way on the outside, and yet as you take the time to slow down, get centered and grounded, then you can see the below the surface part is just fine?
As I was standing at our sink slowly and lovingly washing all of the vegetables and trimming them, I realized it’s the same thing with us.
Sometimes on the outside, we just need some care and attention. Our insides, our soul, is always whole and complete. We all have wonderful gifts to share with the world. We just need to be aware of them, own them and share them.
Sometimes we’re like the carrots I was cleaning today. There was so much mud on each one and they all needed me to trim and wash them with great effort. Our limiting beliefs, thoughts and negative attitudes are like the mud. You need to take stock of yourself and shift around where you’re at. You need to wash the mud off and trim yourself up!
Then you get to all of the good stuff inside of you!
Like the deliciousness of the taste and smell of a carrot straight from the ground. Have you ever tried one? Oh wow! So wonderful! Same thing with garden tomatoes. The taste and smell are amazing! Just like you. You are amazing! You have a deliciousness about you when you allow it to come out. People can’t wait to be around you.
If you take the time to enjoy who you are, your gifts, the projects you’re working on or have completed, your relationships in your life, you’ll see and know that all of your efforts were worth the time and energy you have put into them. Into yourself.
When you allow yourself to feel the success of your harvest, you’ll know your hard work and efforts do pay off.
Sometimes life is messy isn’t it? Relationships, business, projects at home or at work, personal growth, becoming the best person you can be. All are like my vegetable garden.
Finally, when you find humor and joy, take stock, slow down, take deep breaths, surround yourself with others that support you, then you will be enjoying your harvest to the fullest.
You are worth it! Also, you matter and there are so many people out in the world that need you and your gifts.
Please begin to share who you are with others consciously, OK?
I’m one of those people who need you and your gifts out in this world.
Please email me or leave me a comment with your thoughts on this topic. If you want to have a conversation about this, schedule your FREE 30 minute phone call with me:
(Remember, I’ll be in Kauai for my Spiritual Retreat from October 2nd until mid October when you’re setting up your time to talk with me)
With love, joy and appreciation,
PS. Some of our huge pumpkins pictured below! I Love gardening!~
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