By Connie Hertz
Today I’m reflecting on many things I’m so very grateful for. In this month of Thanksgiving here in the US, I’m thinking about my family of origin. The photo here is from last Christmas of me, my parents and my siblings ( my great niece is on her Grandma’s lap here in this pic too!).
I will be joining all of my family for Thanksgiving, as I do every year. I am the only member of my family that moved away from the Toledo, Ohio area. I haven’t lived there since the end of 1981.
My family is a big, noisy, loving family and I love going back there to stay with my parents. They still live in the home I grew up in since I was 12 years old. I actually sleep in the same room and bed ( newer mattress!)!
I am so very grateful for the times I have with all of my family and the times alone in the mornings and at night with my parents. My family is supportive and loving, and I keep in touch often over the phone, while I’m back here in Minnesota.
Every night before I go to sleep, I say in my head what I’m thankful for. I ask God to give me anything I need to know or do, help me to be open to receive whoever or whatever it is, and to help me take action on it. I love going to sleep this way. I have seen some wonderful differences in my life since I consciously have been ending my days this way. What if you begin to do this too?
What are things you are thankful for?
Share them here!
With love and many blessings to each of you,
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