Please pray for peace right now.
Because of all the severe unrest in my city of Minneapolis and now around our country, I’ll share my other article I prepared, another week.
As I watch the violence, looting, destruction, and hatred on TV, I am deeply saddened.
I cry for the life of George Floyd, lost at the hand of the police officer, who is charged with murder in the third degree and manslaughter. For his family and friends.
I cry for hundreds of people who lost their businesses at the hands of hatred and destruction. Turning our city into a war zone the last few days.
Therefore, I have had trouble sleeping. I lay there and find the only thing I can do, is pray for peace.
My only answer I can come up with for all of this, is to pray for peace.
God gave us the power of choice. My plea to all of you, is to use it for good.
Help raise the vibration of your city, this country, and the planet, by thinking of love and peace.
Furthermore, as you each search your heart and find love and compassion, and then focus on that, things will begin to change.
There is no argument; things need to change.
It begins with each of us. Be that change. One person at a time.
Please join me and begin to pray for peace.
I know we can make a difference.
Above all, we are all children of our creator. God. We all matter. We are all valuable.
It is clear, so many have lost their way. They are living in ways that are far from the beautiful creations we truly are.
Race relations need to change. Do we need faith-based leaders to move this forward in positive ways?
Finally, I know it is our job to raise this country and our planet up with positive thoughts, love, peace, healing and prayer.
As we each consciously begin to do this often, things will begin to shift.
Will you join me?
Sending so much love, blessings, and prayers for peace,
A moving video by Reba McEntire, “Pray for Peace”:
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