Paying Attention
By Connie Hertz
Do you think you live more on auto-pilot or do you live in your present moments with awareness?
Do you pay attention generally to people and things around you?
I have been coaching about waking up and paying attention to what you are feeling and thinking, and being aware of what vibes those around you are putting off as well. Also, what vibes are you putting off?
As I have consciously raised my awareness of myself and others, I have more patience and I’m living in more peace and joy.
You may ask, “how do you do this?” It’s about making a decision to slow down, take a deep breath and tune in to yourself. It’s about caring enough about yourself and those around you, to pay attention to what is going on in your surroundings. Try it!~
Even when things aren’t as I want them to be, I choose, to the best of my ability, to see beyond what is going on for the person I may be with, or group of people. I use deep breathing to calm myself down inside and change my thinking and then it changes my feelings. Taking deep breaths actually lowers a person’s blood pressure, did you know that?
I challenge each of you, in this busy holiday season, and all year long, to do the things I’m talking about, stop and pay attention, and slow down.
I guarantee, you will begin to string together many more pleasant moments, days, weeks, months and years, as you begin to practice all of this!
(In the photo above, I’m with my parents and siblings. I’m blessed to have all of them in my life!)
Blessings to all of you,
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