New Beginnings
By Connie Hertz
2015 just began a few days ago. Pictured with me is my very inspiring 101 year old friend, Lorna, who created for over the last 101 years, a happy, active life with lots of wonderful relationships and accomplishments.
With a new year, comes new beginnings for each of us. Do you believe that?
People create New Year’s resolutions and then break them fairly quickly.
As I’m learning and growing and spending time around people who think differently than simply making resolutions and then breaking them, I see that setting up my clear action steps, after laying out what I would like my next year to be, is vital to the success of making my dreams come true.
I am choosing to take a fresh look at my life and my business. Taking on new challenges and projects, are a part of creating a new beginning.
I am part of a year long class, a Master Mind of different entrepreneurs, called Diamond Leadership, that is keeping me accountable and helping me to push to levels I wouldn’t have gone on my own.
I have an assignment I will do today, that involves writing down 5 very audacious things I would like to accomplish in my business in 2015, and then mapping out action steps I will take daily, weekly and monthly, creating an actual calendar.
With this assignment comes many different feelings. Fear, excitement, and many things in between.
What will you do to create your “New Beginnings” in 2015, this new fresh year we have ahead?
Not just in our businesses, but our personal lives. Ask yourself what would you like to be refreshed, improved, made stronger? What relationships would you like to be healthier and stronger? Then, as you would do with your business action steps, create them for your relationships as well.
Here’s to each of our healthier, happier, stronger, and more successful year of 2015!~
One of my goals is to be invited to speak at Harvard Business School on Leadership 🙂