Merry Christmas with so much appreciation for all of you!
As most of you read this, it’s Christmas day, 2022.
Even if you are Jewish or another religion and don’t celebrate Christmas the way the Christian faith does, you can still have a Merry Christmas.
During this season, many are with family and enjoying the wonderful times together.
What if you’re someone who doesn’t have family that you can spend time with?
If you’re someone who has tension with family and have chosen not to be around yours?
I say find your “surrogate family” and enjoy their company. If that’s not possible, spend time doing something you really enjoy, nurturing yourself.
Just before Christmas, five years ago, I attended a wake of a very young woman, who died rather quickly, with no symptoms. My heart went out to all of her loved ones.
Therefore, none of us have a guarantee of how long we will be here, do we?
That’s why it’s so important to make the best of every single present moment you have. Alone or with those you love.
I appreciate each and every one of you. I appreciate when I see the people who open my blogs each week and read them.
Consequently, this is a piece of my giving back. Sharing with you from my heart, things that come to me that matter. That may help you in some small or large way.
January 1st begins my 11th year I have been writing my weekly blogs! Amazing! The time seems to have flown by.
If you want to read past blogs, simply go to my blogs on my website and scroll down to find a topic that catches your eye. Something you may need to read about.
I know when I get quiet and I make sure I’m not stressed out about anything, I can feel the appreciation for life, loved ones, friends, and just about anything.
Please remember to take time during this holiday season to become quiet. Just sit still for even a short time to take in everything around you.
As I talked about in the past, when you spend just 5 minutes each day feeling wonderful feelings, you will watch your life expand and unfold into a life you truly love.
If you are going to be alone for Christmas and you don’t want to be, reach out to friends and let them know how you’re feeling.
If it doesn’t work out to join them and their loved ones, check into volunteering at a soup kitchen. I know when you give back, it fills your heart in a deep way.
In the past, our two older grand kids, their mom and I volunteered at the Salvation Army in their Toy Shop. We helped parents pick out toys for their children along with stocking stuffers and one gift for the family.
For most of these people, these were the only gifts their kids would get for Christmas. It was very touching to me. I feel it’s important to have my grandchildren involved in this too. For them to see and feel what it’s like to not have much. For them to see and feel the parents appreciation for the gifts they did get to have for their children.
There’s always time to stop and appreciate what we have and the people in our lives, don’t you agree?
Hale and I are joining my dad and other family members, in Toledo, my hometown. I appreciate and cherish the moments I get to have with them, their families, and a few of my friends.
I wish for each of you a very Merry Christmas filled with so much appreciation!
PS. Here is less than a 3 minute video I enjoyed about the true meaning of Christmas. I hope you enjoy it too!
From our home to yours, Merry Christmas!
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