Meditation and Spiritual Practices
by Connie Hertz
Welcome to April and hopefully spring wherever you live!
As I look back at my life, I am very grateful, at the age of 19, in 1974, to the introduction of meditation. I have heard it said that prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening.
I took part in a personal growth class in my hometown of Toledo, Ohio, called Personal Dynamics.
It was a 3 day weekend course as I remember it, followed with one evening a week to meet with like-minded people, to further our growth. I continued with these classes for a few years, and then stopped.
I found my way back to these same classes in July of 1981, and this is where I met my former husband, the father of my children. He came from Indiana to teach a workshop and went on to teach these classes for a few years.
A very large part of this class was meditation. We used the colors of the rainbow to get our bodies, emotion, minds & thoughts, to slow down, and lower our brain waves. Visualization was used in this type of meditation.
I am a visual person, so this was an easy way for me to begin meditation.
The instructor had relaxing music playing as he took us through each of the colors of the rainbow.
Red– we would breathe in a red mist and relax our physical bodies, breathing in and out, full breaths. We began with the relaxing of our toes and feet and worked our way up every part of our body, until we reached our head. Red is a physical color.
Orange– breathe in an orange mist, picture the color orange, and relax and release all emotions. Orange is a color of emotion. Continue to take in full breaths and release all the way through each of these colors.
Yellow– breathe in a yellow mist, picture the color yellow, and calm and still your thoughts and mind. Yellow is a color of the mind.
Green– breathe in a green mist, picture green, green grass or plants or whatever comes to your mind. Know you are healthy and strong and feel at peace with yourself and life. Green is a color for peace and health.
Blue-breathe in a blue mist, picture a beautiful blue clear sky. Blue is a color for love. Feel love for yourself, your life, and others in your life. Know you are a loving person.
Purple-breathe in a purple mist, picture something purple, a beautiful crocus flower, a plum. Purple is a color for your spiritual aspirations. You are a spiritual being.
Violet-breathe in a violet mist, picture something violet. Violet is a color for oneness, we are all one with God and the Universe.
I took these classes and began practicing this type of meditation for many years. I made it a part of almost every day for 15 minutes or more, mostly in the afternoons, as this was the time of day I found I needed to re-group or refresh my day.
I have been meditating now for 39 years. I can’t imagine my life without out this personal practice.
It keeps me calm and in alignment with God and others. I remember we are souls in physical bodies.
I know my health has been good because of practicing meditation for this long as well.
I have been using a guided meditation now for over 3 years, and will occasionally use the colors of the rainbow.
The idea is to begin where you are at. Using deep breaths is very important for relaxing your body, mind and spirit. Oxygen can flow easily to all parts of your body, when you are taking in the deep breaths and releasing them.
There really isn’t anything mystical about it. I have done chanting , yoga and other things that will lower my brain waves as well.
Contact me if you have any questions. My friend Helen will be talking this Friday, about the benefits of meditation.
Don’t miss her wise words!
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Many blessings to all of you,
Carol Sido says
Thank you for sharing such an inspirational activity for others to use. I remember the rainbow from way back as well. However I had forgotten some of the meanings of certain colors. By you refreshing my memory I will be able to complete my “Rainbow meditation” Thanks again for all that you do!
conniehertz says
You are welcome! Love and blessings to you! Connie