How often do you find yourself looking at life as a fun adventure?
Because I just spent last weekend with my son and his two children here at our home, adventure came to me as a topic this week.
Our 7-year-old granddaughter Liv and our 4-year-old grandson, Reid, help me to create more adventure.
First, young children look at life with fun and adventure in mind.
Liv and Reid are no exception!
I find when I’m with them, adventure and fun, are at the top of my mind as well.
For instance, on Saturday morning, it was chilly. That didn’t stop us from bundling up and going on a “nature walk” around our yard. With several signs of spring popping up in the yard, we were able to feel adventure, as we closely looked at all the flowers and natures’ beauty growing.
Consequently, they found their favorite thing growing. Chives!
It took me back to when their daddy, my son, Adam, and my daughter Abby were little. One of their favorites in our yard back in Indiana, was chives too.
Reid even ate some baked potato with his dinner, because it was covered in fresh chives!
Similarly, as we got out my Singtrix microphone system, we felt fun and adventure as we created songs. And for Reid, talking and screeching!
What can you do to create more adventure in your life?
For me it’s about my mindset.
Keeping adventure at the top of my thoughts, helps me to come up with things I can do to create that feeling inside of me.
As I took my walk yesterday, alone, I looked around at the beauty of nature. I felt that feeling of fun and adventure.
Do you agree, it is simply a small shift in the way you look at things?
As a result of spending time with my young grandchildren, adventure seems easy. Looking at life through the eyes of children brings more of it into your life.
However, when the children aren’t present, how do you continue to keep these feelings at the top of your mind?
Furthermore, what things can you use to help you to become aware of what you’re feeling at any given moment?
I continually go back to the Emotional Scale I share here in my articles, and I share in many of the things I teach. When you are a visual person, I find this scale helps you to live more in the present moments.
Because you can see on the scale, what emotions you may be feeling, and where your vibrations are. You can then choose to shift if needed.
I’ll include the Emotional Scale again at the bottom for you to print and look at often.
As you are aware of living in your present moments, it’s easier to choose adventure and fun. Do you agree?
The tool of Segment Intending is an easy, quick thing to use throughout your day. I’ll share the link to read about it:
You’ve heard of setting intentions? Segment Intending takes setting intentions further.
You are already actually pre-paving your future experiences constantly without even knowing it. You are continually projecting your expectations into your future experiences. So, this process of “segment intending” will help you to consciously consider what you are projecting.
This is all about becoming aware. Aware of what it is you want your day, your future, and your life to look and feel like.
Finally, these are just a couple of tools you can use to help yourself to become more aware in your present moments.
What are you consciously or unconsciously thinking and ultimately creating in your life?
Finally, I hope this article is a good reminder to you to create more fun and adventure in your life daily!
Here’s to fun and adventure,
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