Do you listen to your body and slow down to take care of it?
I’ve been forced to do that in this last week.
I have been flying lots since last fall when my mom was first diagnosed with cancer.
Yet again, last Monday, after just being home for one week, I found myself flying.
As a result of paying for a women’s conference in California last year, I felt I needed to keep my commitment and go.
After just two nights there, I could feel my immune system crying out.
One week later, as I’m writing this, my body is still not back to normal.
Due to low energy and cold and flu symptoms, I have been forced to listen to my body and slow down.
Consequently, I haven’t been able to exercise in over a week. I’m going through lots of feelings since this girl is usually healthy and strong. Guilt is one of them.
The bottom line is your physical health is so vital to everything that’s going on with you. As a result of this being fact, your emotions and your mindset can become off and out of balance quickly when you’re not feeling well physically.
Furthermore, you’re faced with emotions you’re not usually feeling.
Today as I’m well enough to think straight to even write this article, I finally have enough energy to not need to go back to bed after being up for just a few hours.
That’s how it’s been for several days now. Allowing myself to listen to my body and slow down to simply rest.
In other words, it’s vital to listen to your body in times like these.
The very good news is, we found out after celebrating my mom’s 88th birthday and my parents 69th wedding anniversary, my mom is now cancer free! Hallelujah!
What a relief for all of us. I was honored once again to be there to help after my mom’s surgery a few weeks ago and follow up biopsy.
The 9 chemotherapy treatments and lots and lots of prayer worked!
Flying in another enclosed airplane, wasn’t what my body needed.
So, for now, it’s a time of listening to my body and slowing down.
When you find yourself off and not feeling well, do you also go through different emotions about taking the time to rest?
Each day on a regular basis, I do an afternoon meditation to help keep me in alignment. I found myself not following through with all my many self-care rituals as I traveled.
As I look at it now, my diet wasn’t as good either.
Writing this helps me process why my usual strong immune system became vulnerable.
Maybe you will share with me by writing back an email or leaving a comment what it is you do when you listen to your body and slow down?
Finally, it’s very clear to me, life it so very precious and fragile.
Continuing to appreciate each day is important to move through times of vulnerability you live within. Do you agree?
Here’s a site I found to give you a few more tips about this topic:
I appreciate each of you who read my articles every week.
Sending you love, health, strength and times to simply listen to your body and slow down,
HiConnie,I know exactly what you’re going through I have been blindsided with so many issues that have made me just pull up everything that I like to do and want to do and need to do the bottom line is is that you have to 1st get through it so you have to become a Warrior the next thing you have to do is have patience and addressed to yourself what really is going on here and 3rd eventually you will be able to take charge and go forward at your normal pace. Knowing what you went through gave you much needed wisdom.
Thank you Rose! I appreciate your wise words!
Love and blessings,
That is great news about your mom, Connie! You are right about slowing down…that is difficult to do.
Thank you Julie!~
Love and blessings,