Limiting beliefs and conquering fear, is something many of us need to look at.
Because, 10 years ago, I was fortunate to be a part of a group of people who were consciously conquering their fears and limiting beliefs together, I was able to shift and move forward.
During an entire afternoon of intentional exercises that kept getting more challenging as they went on, it ended with something so profound for me.
Therefore, I realized before the most difficult exercise of the day, I had many fears and limiting beliefs. They were doubts about my own abilities to do many things in my life.
I have played life “safe” so much of the time. Hesitating to get out of my comfort zone. This day was no different when it began.
Since I was a part of DLC, Diamond Leadership Club, a master mind group for one full year, I agreed to challenge myself. To play full out in life and business, addressing limiting beliefs.
Kellie Kuecha, founder of DLC, is a brilliant person who steps up to the plate of her own life constantly. She shared with all of us her techniques and strategies to move forward and become successful people.
As a result, during our second day of the retreat, we learned first hand about our limiting beliefs and our fears.
And how they are keeping us from really becoming who we are meant to be. Also, how they keep us from having successful lives and businesses.
There is a video that shows me at the end of the last challenging exercise of the day.
I climbed up a very high pole and walked across a thin, wobbly wire, high up in the air.
I was the third person on my team to do this. My fears were less when I went up, then they were before doing the other team building exercises earlier.
Which also helped me conquer some of my fears and limiting beliefs.
By developing trust in the others on my team, I found I had pride in myself, as I participated in all the exercises.
As I got up to the top of the high pole, it was now time to conquer my fear of heights!
I walked a bit too fast at first and fell immediately, letting the harness catch me. It was the voice of Kellie I heard next, telling me to use my upper body strength to pull myself back up onto the wire.
It was obvious I needed my team of people and their love and support, just as I do in life. That is what got me to the other side and down safely to the ground. I conquered my limiting beliefs for that day!
I found myself in almost a state of shock for the rest of the day, since I had accomplished all of the things I had.
What these exercises did for me, was give me the knowledge at a deep level inside of myself, that I could do anything I set my mind to, And with the help of others, get back up if I fall, and move forward on my journey successfully.
Consequently, that day changed me profoundly. Yes, I have been afraid of other things since that day, only, I keep going back to me on the wire.
I tell myself that if I could do that, I can do anything!
What are you afraid of and what limiting beliefs do you continue to tell yourself in your life?
Think about it and then address them. One step at a time, and don’t forget to ask for help from people you trust!
With faith in you and in myself,
PS. Below is the photo of me with our DLC family after our day together doing the powerful exercises.
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