Life’s frustrations are real.
Even little things that happen can cause us to become frustrated.
I’m experiencing some frustrations as I’m writing this.
My Word Press website is not letting me in to post this blog later and won’t even let me change my password.
Hale just broke the glass coffee pot from a new coffeemaker I bought just recently.
I know for sure if I do not slow down and change my vibrations I’m putting off right now, I will get more of the same.
So how do I do that?
First being aware of being frustrated is a good place to start.
Then using the tools I talk about and teach helps.
I just now stopped and put at least the broken coffee pot into perspective. OK, it’s just a coffee pot.
I looked online to see who may have the pot in their store instead of waiting to receive it if I ordered it online. The second store I called, Bed Bath and Beyond carries it and today I even get 20% off of it! So at least this one frustration today has a quick fix.
When life’s frustrations come my way, I of course feel all of my human emotions. Irritated, upset, impatient etc.
Then I look at a solution of what I can do to change around my emotions from that right side of the Emotional Scale that holds lower vibrations, to move over to the left side of the Emotional Scale that have the higher vibrations.
Here’s a copy of the Emotional Scale that I use every day to help me raise my awareness of where I’m at and what I’m attracting more of:
Are you following me?
See, even small things like a broken coffee pot can keep us spiraling to lower vibrational emotions.
It’s up to you to become aware of what you’re feeling and become a conscious creator of something different.
If you don’t, you will keep the spiral going to attract more of the same.
Make sense?
As far as my website goes, I have Rebecca who helps me with all of these issues who will fix this problem soon enough.
Me, I find I want it fixed now!
When life’s frustrations come, it gives me a chance to really look at me and what is going on.
As I’ve said in other blogs, I tend to find myself at number 10 on the Emotional, the right side, where our vibrations are lower, more often than any other emotion on that right side. Number 10 is frustration, impatience and irritation. I am not a very patient person!
I continue to be aware of going to these three emotions almost every day. I’m not sure what it will take for me to not go to these emotions as often as I do, only sharing it now with you, just may help me and it may help you. I know I’m not the only person that goes to these emotions often.
As I talked about last week, practicing self-care and loving yourself are important keys to moving through these lower vibrational emotions.
What happens for you when life’s frustrations come your way?
How do you handle them?
Leave me a comment about what you do to help yourself through life’s frustrations!
With love and blessings,
If you want to learn more about what I teach while having fun in paradise with other like-minded people, consider joining us at my next Glow Kauai Vacation Spiritual Retreat next fall!
Here’s the link to look at all of the info from 2016’s retreat. 2017’s info will be added soon!
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